We usually think of hormones and problems associated with them as something that only women need to worry about. Wrong guys! Men can have a hormone imbalance as well. Sometimes it is so subtle you don't recognize it. Progesterone is the hormone that is the basis for estrogen and testosterone. Both male and female need all three of these hormones; the difference is females have more estrogen and males have more testosterone. But progesterone is the key ingredient needed to produce both hormones. So both women and men need progesterone. With our current diets and environments many people do not produce enough progesterone to have a good balance of hormones within their bodies. Which means it is sometimes necessary to supplement the progesterone that your body struggles to produce. The closest we can come to the human progesterone in the plant world is in wild yams. Progesterone derived from wild yams can be purchased in a cream form from most health food stores.
Women will find that what they consider "normal" doesn't have to be. PMS, cramping, headaches are symptoms of lack of progesterone in the body. Men will sometimes feel fatigue and lack of sexual drive. These are not symptoms that should be considered "normal", they are symptoms to be avoided. What has become "normal" is not normal, but common. Women, why not try giving your body what it needs to deal with life. Men, why not add a little lead to your pencil (did she just say that?)?
Women should use a small amount of wild yam cream for 3 weeks of each month, taking a break during week of their menstrual cycle. Menopausal women would pick a week to take off. Men don't need to take a break and should use the cream all month. Sometimes the answer is so simple we dismiss it. It is so simple and it is worth a try!