Sunday, February 17, 2013


"Iron is an important element in our body which helps with carrying oxygen in the blood, cell metabolism, and providing energy. Iron deficiency may lead to anemia, inability to think well, as well as an increased chance of infections." Well.....that explains a lot. The doctors told my mom I was born "borderline anemic". It has been a challenge my whole life to keep my iron levels up. I often felt fatigued and that "inability to think" happened too often. I have been told to "eat liver"; well, being a vegetarian, I couldn't quite bring myself to eat liver. So I have become an expert on which plant foods provide me with the iron I need. It has to be a consistent iron rich diet for me to stay balanced and well. 

A great way to get enough iron in your diet is to eat something from this food list everyday:       

cowpeas, also called black-eye peas
dried beans like kidney, lima, navy, black and pinto beans
    spinach and all leafy greens
    firm tofu
blackstrap molasses 

dried fruit, i.e. raisins, apricots

Combination of these foods with good sources of vitamin C from oranges, grapefruit and tomatoes will increase iron absorption. Taking iron supplements on a daily basis can lead to constipation. I have found two "supplements" that don't have the usual side effects of supplemental iron: Spa Tone+ is iron from well water high in iron for those who need a quick boost and Juice Plus, which is whole food in a capsule which is packed with iron. 

 As always - EAT your vitamins and minerals in whole foods whenever possible.


Juice Plus+:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Shiitake Mushrooms

What Do Shiitake Mushrooms Have In Common with Bananas?

Everyone knows bananas are famous for potassium (one banana delivers 450 mg of potassium), but did you know eating 4 ounces of Shiitake mushrooms delivers a whopping 2,500 mg of this essential “super” mineral?

Studies have shown increased potassium intake can actually decrease the incidence of some forms of arterial aging (arterial aging not only ages you on the inside but on the outside as well—the younger you can keep your arteries the younger you will look and be!).

As an electrolyte, potassium specifically helps in carrying an electrical charge to help a nerve or muscle contact, and it helps regulate blood pressure and allows your heart and kidneys to function properly. So, you want to continue eating your bananas...but you might want to add Shiitakes to the bunch too!

Add Shiitake Mushrooms to Soups or a vegetable stir fry. Yummmm.

PHO Soup

Seasoning Mix:
1 tablespoon each:

coriander seeds
cardamon pods
cinnamon sticks
raw sugar
celtic salt
star anise (1 star)

In a coffee grinder or blender grind to a coarse powder. Store in a dry container.

Put 1 Tablespoon mix in a in teapot with 1 cup water. Let steep for at least 10 minutes. Strain the tea.

2 Qt. chicken broth
1 oz. galanka
5 lime leaves
Dried or fresh Shiitake Mushrooms
chicken pieces
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup Pho "tea" (see above)

Boil soup until flavors are blended (about an hour). A few minutes before done, add Bak choy, carrots, celery (any favorite vegetable). Add seasoning “tea” to soup. Break rice sticks into a soup bowl. Ladle soup over noodles. Garnish with cilantro and chili.