Some people never get sick! We all know them (and hate them). Are they just lucky or do they have better health habits? Why not look for health solutions from the people for whom the common cold is uncommon?
Secrets of people who never get sick:
1. They stress less. Stress damages the immune system. Exercise helps reduce stress.
2. They eat less. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure.
3. They opt for herbal remedies. Did you know that although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about one quarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health.
4. They make friends a priority. Studies show that people with strong friendships tend to have more robust immune systems and are less likely to succumb to infectious diseases.
5. They stayed pH balanced. According to some practitioners of alternative medicine, the body is healthiest when its systems are functioning midway between completely acidic and completely alkaline (i.e., pH balanced). When pH levels fall below that midpoint, the body suffers from a condition called acidosis, which even in minor cases can cause fatigue, rapid breathing, stomach problems and confusion. Since the typical American diet is very acidic be sure to grab a carrot (alkaline) now and then.
6. They eat garlic. Studies have shown that garlic can act as a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic, as well as cut the duration and the number of colds you catch. In addition, garlic has proved efficient in reducing blood pressure and triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Eating it fresh is better than a supplement (and tastes better too!)
7. They detox regularly. Some detoxes are as simple as warm water and lemon juice first thing in the morning. Find one that works well for you and find a way to get toxins out of our bodies.
8. They take more naps. Now that is one we can all get into! Sleep deprivation has the same biological effect as stress: Overtired bodies ratchet up production of the hormone cortisol, which gives you energy but restricts production of human growth hormone, limiting your body’s ability to repair itself. Just like stress, sleep loss has a degenerative effect on your health, and lack of sleep is also tied to compromised immune function.
Now you know the secrets to avoiding that common cold. Be well.
Now you know the secrets to avoiding that common cold. Be well.