When my plastic containers “die” I will replace them with glass, ceramic, silicone or metal. I’ve already started using glass canning jars for storage. I will replace my plastic cutting mats with silicone or wood (Rusty has been dying to make some cutting boards). One thing I will do right away is purchase a glass or stainless steel water bottle to replace the plastic ones. At any given time I have a bunch of plastic bottles rolling around in my hot car because I always keep water with me. I guess heat plus plastic is the worst....my bad!
Be practical.....if you are out and about and need to buy water in the dreaded plastic.....remember that a bit of “plastic toxin” would be better than dehydration. You do what you can and don’t worry about the rest. Remember it is not the occasional odd unhealthy thing we do, but the daily habits that make the difference to our health and our world.
Seems old ways are sometimes best......