Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Daily Detox

When we think of "Detoxification" we have visions of spas and dollar signs, something only for the rich and famous. We think of excruciating treatments and painful elimination. Detoxification doesn't need to be something to dread. It can be an easy part of our daily routine. A few quick, daily habits can flush out physical and emotional toxins gently and easily. Armed with air, water and a brush, we can create our own "spa" to detox the body.
1. Deep Breathing: Breathing usually is not something we think about since it comes naturally. But a majority of people really don't breathe correctly, especially in our fast-paced world. The breath tends to be constricted, shallow and stressed. This deprives us of much needed oxygen, contributing to brain fog, fatigue and accumulation of toxins. 
This problem is easily solved with a bit of intentional breathing. Most people only breath from the upper portion of the lungs, but we really need to draw air in fully with the diaphragm. Take a few moments though out the day to breath deeply. By taking in more oxygen, tissues are effectively detoxified, the mind is clarified and the nervous system is calmed.
When I first started my deep breathing practice I breathed deeply every time I stopped at a stoplight (we have alot of stoplights in Fresno). Before I knew it, this deep breathing became an enjoyable habit. Now I expand my lungs throughout the day even without stoplights! It feels wonderful. 
2. Dry Skin Brushing: Dry skin brushing is another economical and easy way to detoxify. Dead skin cells are sloughed away, the lymphatic and immune systems are stimulated while toxin harboring cellulite is reduced. 
A wide, long-handled natural bristle brush is all that's needed. Begin with dry skin and brush in upward strokes toward the heart. The feet are a good place to start. Brush the legs, arms, back and abdomen. It takes only 5-10 minutes to brush the entire body. Make sure to enjoy a hot shower afterwards, drink a big glass of water and breathe deeply. 
Another quick alternative is an exfoliating skin towel (The Body Shop or Rite Aid Pharmacy) in the shower. Removing dead skin is the key. 
3. Hydration: Drinking water seems like such a basic action, yet dehydration is very common. Drinking 2.2 liters of water (approximately 9 cups) will flush out toxin throughout the day, helping to ease the stress on the kidneys and liver.
It is especially important to drink plenty of water first thing in the morning as toxins have accumulated during the night. Adding the juice of half a lemon is even better to help support the liver. Unless these toxins are flushed out with water, they will stay in the body. 
You will be amazed at how these little actions will help improve the way you feel, your energy level and your mood. Now that you have been to the "Spa", go out an enjoy your day toxin free! 

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