Thursday, December 26, 2013


Microwave popcorn is convenient, quick, easy, and generally a tasty snack. It is also filled with perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. This chemical lines the bags to keep the oils from escaping. It is also used in non-stick coatings and stain-resistant carpets. PFOA mimics hormones and has been linked to infertility, thyroid disorders, immune problems, high cholesterol, and cancer. It isn’t the only problem with microwaved popcorn. It also contains diacetyl, a chemical butter flavoring that causes lung damage. 

The good news is that popcorn, when cooked correctly, is a low calorie, healthy snack that is also GMO free. Make it the old fashioned way with coconut oil and movement or an air popper. Toss them with dried herbs and a little olive oil for a better seasoning than a ton of butter and salt. If you are like me and just need that butter, make it organic butter and use less. If you must use the microwave, place some popcorn in a brown paper bag, fold flap and use the popcorn setting. I haven't tried this myself since I don't own a microwave (so many issues with this one we'll leave for another day) so you will have to let me know if it works. 

Note: while the popcorn seed, unlike 90% of the corn crops in America, are not Genetically Modified (GMO), they are heavily sprayed with pesticides. Buy organic popcorn to avoid these chemicals. My family and I can tell a difference between how we feel after eating organic vs. regular popcorn. I call it my guilt free if I could just limit it to one bowl!

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