Sunday, March 16, 2014

Plants that Detox

The modern home is often a toxic environment, from the building materials to our cleaning products. Indoor air is up to 4 times more polluted than outdoors.  The EPA ranks indoor air pollution in the top-five biggest threats to our health. A natural way to "detox" your home is with house plants. House plants can reduce the level of toxins present in the home by 50-70% making the air you breathe at home user friendly!

Here are 6 plants that are high on the "Natural Air Cleaner Plants" list:
1) Bamboo Palm (cleans formaldehyde and is a natural humidifier)
2) Snakes Plant (cleans out nitrogen oxcides and formaldehyde)

3) Areca Palm (one of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness)

4) Spider Plant (cleans out carbon monoxide, toxins/impurities, best at removing formaldehyde from the air)

5) Peace Lily ("clean-all" plant, mould spores, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene)

6) Gerbera Daisy (cleans benzene, absorbs carbon dioxide and give off more oxygen over night) 

Improve your health and your environment with beautiful plants for your home.

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