Thursday, August 14, 2014


As a rule, I put the most attention on the nutrition side of health. I guess because that is where my interests lie. But if truth be known, EXERCISE gets more points in the overall scheme of things. What you put into your mouth is very important, however, you will get just as much (ok, maybe more) results from adding more exercise to your daily routine. Exercise equals movement. Thirty minutes a day is recommended, however small spurts of exercise throughout the day can be just as beneficial. Our lifestyles have become so sedentary. We sit for longer periods of time. Studies are showing that sitting for long periods is the worst thing you can do. Taking just 1 minute 40 seconds every 30 minutes (yes, someone did a study to come up with that number) to do a little exercise will increase your productivity, clear your brain, increase your circulation, lift your mood and prolong your life. Pretty good return on a couple of minutes! Set the alarm on the phone you never go anywhere without for every 30 minutes and add joy to your day and longevity to your life!

One minute 40 second Exercise: stretch arms high...stretch left, then right. Bend at waist and reach to the floor (just as far as is comfortable). Hang out there for a few seconds - blood to the brain is a good thing. Do this 3-4 times. Squat like you are going to sit in a chair and up - do this 10-15 times. Walk in place, knees high, about 30 steps (or find a flight of stairs!). Hips in place, swivel arms around to stretch behind you - both sides. All that should take over a minute. Find the routine that works for you and get that heart pumping a bit.

As always, get the junk food out of your life, put whole foods into your body, and MOVE! Understand that something is always better than nothing!

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