Many people ask "Why is Organic food so expensive!" That's a tough question to answer for a lot of reasons, particularly because expensive is such a relative term. Compared to what? Medical bills? One reason Certified Organic foods seems to be so expensive is because junk foods are so cheap. Food manufacturers figured out that if they switched out 'real food' and replaced it with ingredients like fillers, artificial color and artificial flavors, costs went way down. People kept buying it. As a matter of fact, the companies with the cheapest food-like products started selling more than companies with 'real food'.
Organic farmers grow their produce without use of pesticides. They enrich the soil with nutrients that are lacking in conventional farming. Certified Organic means that there is 5% or less pesticides in the food. (That allows for the overspray from conventional farmers.) It is tough being "organic" in our toxic world. But the Organic farmer is doing a great job to keep our food healthy to consume.
One of the best ways to ensure you are not getting a Genetically Modified food (GM) is to buy organic. In GM foods the very cell of the plant is altered and sometimes the pesticides become part of the plant. We can grow more, better looking plants, but at what cost to our health? The government is saying it is not harmful to our bodies.......and of course they never lie (yes, that was sarcasm). It may cost a little more for the certified organic produce, but considering those pesticides accumulate in your body and cause you harm, I'd say you are worth any extra expense.
So where do you find organic foods? Most grocery stores now have an organic section. However, check the labels for where it was grown. Many times it is from another country that does not have the same regulations for "organic" that we do and it may not be what you had hoped for. Your best place to get healthy organic foods is from a local grower. Yes, it takes more effort on your part, but you and your family's health is so worth that effort.
Now Fresno Adventist Academy has made buying locally grown organic produce so much easier! The students and staff are now growing organic produce and selling it. Purchasing from them you would know your 'farmer' AND you could support your school and your students. A win-win!
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