Have you checked your toothpaste label? "Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional medical assistance or call a Poison Control Center immediately." I'm confused, are we not encouraged to brush our toddler's teeth with toothpaste? (toddlers who can't even spit properly?) Call Poison Control? The active ingredient is Fluoride. Did you know that fluoride is a waste by-product of the fertiliser and aluminum industry?
There are many stories about fluoride: Too much fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis or skeletal fluorosis, which can damage bones and joints; excess fluoride can damage the parathyroid gland, this can result in hyperparathyroidism, which can result in a depletion of calcium in bone structures and higher-than-normal concentrations of calcium in the blood; Hitler put it in the water to help control the people; fluoride was documented as a neurotoxin that could be hazardous to child development; neurological problems, possibly leading to ADHD......makes the head spin, doesn't it?
Ok, I'm not sure what is right, however, I'm not willing to risk the health of my family or myself. So, just in case, I have taken fluoride out wherever possible. I feel blessed to live where we use rainwater in our home. I raised my kids on farm well water, so feel we dodged a bullet there too. It's something for each individual to look into and see for yourself what is best for you and your family.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Joint and Bone Health
Your joints and bones start to lose their structural integrity not because of your inherited genes or getting older. It is because your joints have lost the nutrients they need to maintain their structural integrity and they break. Your body wants to fix itself, your body knows how to fix itself, but your body needs help. It needs raw materials to do that and those are lacking in our food supply today.
You don't get arthritis because you have a drug deficiency. Your bones and joints are attempting to generate new bone and joint tissue all the time. Then why do doctors prescribe Fosamax and Boniva when they see thinning bones? Because when scanned after using these drugs the bone density is improved. Those drugs work by putting the parts of your body that chew up old bones to sleep. That leaves the old bone there and it looks more dense on a scan. Ideally, your body is chewing up old bone and make new bone all the time. Out with the old, in with the new. When you have been on those drugs long enough they disrupt your natural body process and you get "spontaneous fractures" or brittle bones.
You step off a curb and the weight of your own body causes the bone to break. You don't fall and break a bone, you break a bone and fall.
This is just one of the reasons that eating right and taking Juice Plus is so important. Get the junk out of your diet and take Juice Plus to pick up the slack of what is missing in our food. It's a no brainer.
Personal note: Since adding Juice Plus Omega Blend to my life I have had even less joint pain. Movement is easy. Taking Juice Plus fruit and vegetable blends 17 years ago (pre-menopausal) increased my energy and had a significant effect on my immune system, adding Vineyard blend 14 years ago gave me even more energy and now adding the Omega Blend I feel younger still! Love this stuff! www.gale4juiceplus.com
You don't get arthritis because you have a drug deficiency. Your bones and joints are attempting to generate new bone and joint tissue all the time. Then why do doctors prescribe Fosamax and Boniva when they see thinning bones? Because when scanned after using these drugs the bone density is improved. Those drugs work by putting the parts of your body that chew up old bones to sleep. That leaves the old bone there and it looks more dense on a scan. Ideally, your body is chewing up old bone and make new bone all the time. Out with the old, in with the new. When you have been on those drugs long enough they disrupt your natural body process and you get "spontaneous fractures" or brittle bones.

This is just one of the reasons that eating right and taking Juice Plus is so important. Get the junk out of your diet and take Juice Plus to pick up the slack of what is missing in our food. It's a no brainer.

Oil Pulling
***I need to make an amendment to this post. I was doing Oil Pulling for about 2 months everyday for 5 - 10 minutes each day. Just this last week I developed Oral Thrush. Admittedly I was eating way too much sugar (natural, "good" sugar, mind you! But sugar is sugar) and Candida (the cause of thrush) thrives on sugar. My doctor thinks that with the oil pulling I depleted the good and the bad bacteria in my mouth and with the extra sugar, candida just had it's way with me. So.....I don't oil pull every day, but will limit it to a couple of days a week. Why oil pull at all? I like it because I have a tooth implant and it is hard to keep it clean underneath and oil pulling does it very nicely. Also, it whitens teeth.***
Oil Pulling? Have you tried it?
Oil Pulling? Have you tried it?
First, what is it? An ancient practice of placing a tablespoon of Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Oil into your mouth and then swishing it around for up to 20 minutes, minimum 5 minutes (pulling in between your teeth) before spitting it out. DO NOT SWALLOW IT (the idea is to pull out the toxins and you don’t want to ingest those!) Afterwards brush your teeth with an all-natural, fluoride-free toothpaste and rinse well. Sounds easy (it is unless you are a gagger, then it requires starting slow and adjusting to the feel of it).
Second: Why Oil Pulling? The oil pulls out the bacteria, fungi, viruses and other toxins in the mouth before they can spread throughout the body. This frees up the immune system, reduces stress, curtails internal inflammation and aids well-being.
A few benefits are: 1) teeth whitening; 2) increases energy by pulling out toxins before they are a problem; 3) detoxes the body. Since the mouth is the gateway, it all starts here; 4) aids hormonal changes; 5) reduces headaches; 6) keeps skin clear; 7) and the obvious: promotes oral hygiene and helps control bad breath.
Like most health practices, the results won’t be overnight, depending on your health when you start. Making it a daily habit is beneficial to your overall health. I pop in a tablespoon of coconut oil as I head out for a walk or before getting into the shower. (Note: don’t spit it out down the drain as, over time, it will clog.) I’d be interested to know how this works for you. Personally, I have noticed all the above benefits over the months. Do I enjoy it? Not really, but I don’t enjoy exercising either, but the benefits make it worthwhile.

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