Your joints and bones start to lose their structural integrity not because of your inherited genes or getting older. It is because your joints have lost the nutrients they need to maintain their structural integrity and they break. Your body wants to fix itself, your body knows how to fix itself, but your body needs help. It needs raw materials to do that and those are lacking in our food supply today.
You don't get arthritis because you have a drug deficiency. Your bones and joints are attempting to generate new bone and joint tissue all the time. Then why do doctors prescribe Fosamax and Boniva when they see thinning bones? Because when scanned after using these drugs the bone density is improved. Those drugs work by putting the parts of your body that chew up old bones to sleep. That leaves the old bone there and it looks more dense on a scan.
Ideally, your body is chewing up old bone and make new bone all the time. Out with the old, in with the new. When you have been on those drugs long enough they disrupt your natural body process and you get "spontaneous fractures" or brittle bones.

You step off a curb and the weight of your own body causes the bone to break. You don't fall and break a bone, you break a bone and fall.
This is just one of the reasons that eating right and taking Juice Plus is so important. Get the junk out of your diet and take Juice Plus to pick up the slack of what is missing in our food. It's a no brainer.

Personal note: Since adding Juice Plus Omega Blend to my life I have had even less joint pain. Movement is easy. Taking Juice Plus fruit and vegetable blends 17 years ago (pre-menopausal) increased my energy and had a significant effect on my immune system, adding Vineyard blend 14 years ago gave me even more energy and now adding the Omega Blend I feel younger still! Love this stuff!
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