According to the National Academy of Sciences, American's magnesium deficiency helps to "account for high rates of heart disease stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies, stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a number of other ailments." Who knew it was so important and that most of us are deficient. But before you go out and stock up on magnesium pills, lets look at it more closely.
We are deficient due to the changes in agriculture and diet. Magnesium just isn't in the soil the way it used to be and our modern diet with its high levels of harmful fat, sugar, salt and protein speeds up the depletion of magnesium from our bodies.
There is a delicate balance between calcium and magnesium. Since we are focusing so much lately on getting enough calcium that balance has been thrown off. Calcium depletes magnesium yet calcium functions best when enough magnesium is present. Studies have shown that taking a calcium supplement without enough magnesium can increase the shortage of both nutrients. The proper ratio for optimum absorption of both minerals is two to one (twice as much calcium as magnesium), while most Americans have 5 times more calcium than magnesium.
Right now you are probably thinking you need to grab a magnesium supplement, but studies show that magnesium is not easily absorbed through the digestive tract.

So what is the best way to get the proper amount of magnesium into the body? Epsom Salt! Epsom salt is high in both magnesium and sulfate, both of which are poorly absorbed through the stomach. Studies have shown that these minerals are easily absorbed through the skin by soaking in a bath of Epsom Salt. As with taking nutrients into the body through food, this method of absorbing magnesium is great because your body will only absorb what it needs.
Soaking in a bath of Epsom Salts has been known to improve heart and circulatory health, increase the body's ability to use insulin, relieve stress, help maintain proper calcium levels in the blood, relieve inflammation of joints, increase serotonin to promote better sleep and even will help prevent migraine headaches. All of this from taking a bath?
About 3 times a week soak in a bathtub with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it for 12 minutes. You will boost your magnesium levels and get to enjoy a bath. If you don't have time for a full bath try soaking your feet. And remember, as it says on the box: If you are pregnant or have any health concerns, please check with your doctor before using Epsom salts.
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