Get healthy with water. Getting more water into your body may be the most important change you can make. If you would like to dramatically improve your health and energy, avoid premature aging, sleep better, have regular bowel movements, and reduce or even reverse disease rates, then make drinking pure water a priority.
How much water should you drink? Rule of thumb is one-half your body weight in ounces. More if you are active. If you weigh 150 lbs., then 75 oz. of water a day would be your goal. Start slow and work up to and exceed this.

For every ounce of dehydrating beverage (coffee/sodas) we drink, we need two ounces of water to negate the effect. Our bodies treat "flavored" beverages like a food, so they do not have the same hydrating effect as pure water.
Since our bodies are made up of 72% water, doesn't it make since to replenish that reservoir with more water constantly? Water is even evaporated from the body when we breathe at night. We usually wake in a dehydrated state. Drinking a full glass of water upon rising each morning is a good practice to start. It will set the tone for the day to - drink more water. By the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Drinking small amounts of water constantly all day long will keep the body in a place where it can operate optimally.
Water is something so simple, so easy to access. Start slow by adding a few extra ounces each day until you reach your goal. The changes will be subtle, the final results amazing.
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