Garlic is incredibly beneficial to your immune system because it offers a triple-whammy: it's antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. We should be eating garlic every day. One of the best things about garlic is that bacteria, viruses, and yeast build up no resistance to it, unlike with synthetic antibiotics. Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and ageing. It may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Garlic contains allicin, a chemical that is anti-carcinogenic. It also has been shown to lower LDL, lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of blood clots and stroke, lower homocysteine, and even prevent insect bites --including mosquitoes and ticks.
Garlic was shown to significantly reduce lead toxicity and related symptoms in one study.
For optimal benefits, garlic should be fresh since the active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic cloves. In other words, garlic capsules are basically useless. Fresh garlic can be kept on hand to add to so many dishes. It even comes in it's own protective packaging!
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Glutathione, it's the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease -- yet we've barely heard of it. It's the secret to prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia and more, and necessary to treat everything from autism to Alzheimer's disease. GLUTATHIONE (pronounced "gloota-thigh-own") is the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and boosts the immune system.
The good news is that your body produces its own Glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione.
Glutathione is a very simple molecule that is produced naturally all the time in your body. Normally Glutathione is recycled in the body, except when the toxic load becomes too great. In our world today we are poisoning ourselves by eating a processed, nutrient-depleted diet that our natural glutathione can't keep up with. However, you can eat Glutathione boosting foods and exercise. Glutathione-boosting foods are the sulfur-rich foods, like garlic, onions, broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, and all cruciferous vegetables. (hummmm, how many of these are in Juice Plus?) Exercise boosts glutathione levels, which boosts your immune system, improves detoxification and enhances your body's own antioxidant defenses.
The good news is that your body produces its own Glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione.
Glutathione is a very simple molecule that is produced naturally all the time in your body. Normally Glutathione is recycled in the body, except when the toxic load becomes too great. In our world today we are poisoning ourselves by eating a processed, nutrient-depleted diet that our natural glutathione can't keep up with. However, you can eat Glutathione boosting foods and exercise. Glutathione-boosting foods are the sulfur-rich foods, like garlic, onions, broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, and all cruciferous vegetables. (hummmm, how many of these are in Juice Plus?) Exercise boosts glutathione levels, which boosts your immune system, improves detoxification and enhances your body's own antioxidant defenses.
Self Care
When I think of SELF CARE, I think of an event like a spa day or a pedicure or (my favourite) a massage or some kind of pampering myself. But should it really be just a one-off event? And if I don't have time or money for one of those events, am I failing at my 'self-care'?
I think 'selfishly taking care of oneself' goes way beyond what we currently think of as "self-care". How about the little things that we do every day, like:
• Eating nourishing real food.
• Honoring my boundaries with work and life.
• Cultivating quality sleep.
• Meditation and prayer.
• Spending time outside in nature.
• Soaking up the sunshine on my bare skin.
• Cuddling with my hubby.
• Cuddling with my dogs (or if you must - a cat).
• Practicing yoga or any form of exercise.
• Using safe skin and body care products.
• Drinking enough pure water.
These are things I personally strive to do every day. And they all help build a solid foundation upon which I can live a healthy, vibrant life. These are ALL acts of 'self-care'. And throwing in a massage now and then can't hurt!
I think 'selfishly taking care of oneself' goes way beyond what we currently think of as "self-care". How about the little things that we do every day, like:
• Eating nourishing real food.
• Honoring my boundaries with work and life.
• Cultivating quality sleep.
• Meditation and prayer.
• Spending time outside in nature.
• Soaking up the sunshine on my bare skin.
• Cuddling with my hubby.
• Cuddling with my dogs (or if you must - a cat).
• Practicing yoga or any form of exercise.
• Using safe skin and body care products.
• Drinking enough pure water.
These are things I personally strive to do every day. And they all help build a solid foundation upon which I can live a healthy, vibrant life. These are ALL acts of 'self-care'. And throwing in a massage now and then can't hurt!
Herbs and Spices
You thought that when you spiced up your foods you were doing it for flavour. It goes way beyond that! The herbs and spices we use to flavour our foods are on the top of the list of high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) - A good thing! Let me highlight a few for you:
Garlic - ORAC score of 5,346. Garlic is incredibly beneficial to your immune system because it offers a triple-whammy: it's antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. We should be eating garlic every day. One of the best things about garlic is that bacteria, viruses, and yeast build up no resistance to it,
unlike with synthetic antibiotics. For optimal benefits, garlic should be fresh since the active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic cloves. In other words, garlic capsules are basically useless. Garlic contains allicin, a chemical that is anti-carcinogenic. It also has been shown to lower LDL, lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of blood clots and stroke, lower homocysteine, and even prevent insect bites --including mosquitoes and ticks.
Turmeric - ORAC score of 159,277; general immune system booster due to its high antioxidant capacity, and an anticancer agent as well; turmeric is five to eight times stronger than vitamins C and E, and even strong enough to scavenge the hydroxyl radical, which is considered by some to be the most reactive of all oxidants.
Oregano - ORAC 13,970; active agent is rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant; one tablespoon of oregano has the antioxidant capacity of one medium apple.
Cinnamon - ORAC 267,536; powerful antimicrobial agent—found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria; also has anti-inflammatory compounds. (for more info about cinnamon go to:
Cloves: THE BIG ORAC GRAND PRIZE WINNER AT 314,446, highest of all foods tested! Contains eugenol; its mild anesthetic benefits are useful for toothaches and sore throats; good anti-inflammatory.
By incorporating some of these fantastic foods, you'll not only evade the circulating viruses, but improve your overall health and longevity at the same time. So be generous with those herbs and spices and improve your health!
Garlic - ORAC score of 5,346. Garlic is incredibly beneficial to your immune system because it offers a triple-whammy: it's antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. We should be eating garlic every day. One of the best things about garlic is that bacteria, viruses, and yeast build up no resistance to it,
unlike with synthetic antibiotics. For optimal benefits, garlic should be fresh since the active ingredient is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic cloves. In other words, garlic capsules are basically useless. Garlic contains allicin, a chemical that is anti-carcinogenic. It also has been shown to lower LDL, lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of blood clots and stroke, lower homocysteine, and even prevent insect bites --including mosquitoes and ticks.

Cinnamon - ORAC 267,536; powerful antimicrobial agent—found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria; also has anti-inflammatory compounds. (for more info about cinnamon go to:

By incorporating some of these fantastic foods, you'll not only evade the circulating viruses, but improve your overall health and longevity at the same time. So be generous with those herbs and spices and improve your health!
EMFR - Electromagnetic Field Radiation. Do I understand it? NO. Do I believe it exists? YES. Definition: "EMFR is created by an accumulation of electrical charge. It permeates the world we live in but is invisible to the human eye. EMFR can be naturally occurring and is part of the Earth’s Magnetic Field that orients a navigational compass. EMFR is also generated by natural phenomena such as thunderstorms." And in addition to these natural sources, EMFR is emitted by artificial devices such as:
Television antennas
Mobile phone base stations
Cordless and mobile cell phones
If you sleep with a cell phone or computer near your bed, it can disrupt your sleep, impair your
memory and cognitive functions. These EMFRs have even been linked to infertility and Alzheimer's. The more time we spend on our cell phones and on our computers, the more exposure you get. Ever just feel "off." Take a look at what you have been around and what you are holding to your ear and how often.
So what do we do to protect ourselves? Limiting your use of cell phones and computers is not always possible. There are devices you can use to block these radioactive waves from your person. You can put "energy blockers" on your electronics.
You can 'shut down' an hour before bedtime to let your body relax so you can get a full night's sleep.
To protect your body you can
also eat more antioxidants in your food (oh you knew I was going to throw that in there!).
Listen to your body.
Here are a few tips I have found helpful when needing to fly.
To prepare for a plane trip (I call the plane a radioactive tube - EMFRs -Electromagnetic Field Radiation- everywhere!), I up my intake of antioxidant foods and supplements (Juice Plus+ for me). I am taking extra on board as I fly. I am increasing my magnesium and phosphates. I am drinking bottles of water (yes, my seatmate might not like that I have to make many trips to the toilet, but I am going to flush out toxins!). I have ordered vegan meals to make sure I get the best food available while in flight. Get to your destination feeling good instead of jet-lagged!

When you arrive take a long soak in an Epsom salt bath (foot bath also works). The magnesium in the salts will help detox your body of the exposure to all the EMFR. You will experience less jet-lag.
This is something you will need to research for yourself. The precautions I take, I feel, have made a difference in my travel. I cross the Pacific (a 15+ hour flight) often enough to know that it does help me.
Television antennas
Mobile phone base stations
Cordless and mobile cell phones
If you sleep with a cell phone or computer near your bed, it can disrupt your sleep, impair your

You can 'shut down' an hour before bedtime to let your body relax so you can get a full night's sleep.
To protect your body you can
also eat more antioxidants in your food (oh you knew I was going to throw that in there!).
Listen to your body.
Here are a few tips I have found helpful when needing to fly.

When you arrive take a long soak in an Epsom salt bath (foot bath also works). The magnesium in the salts will help detox your body of the exposure to all the EMFR. You will experience less jet-lag.
This is something you will need to research for yourself. The precautions I take, I feel, have made a difference in my travel. I cross the Pacific (a 15+ hour flight) often enough to know that it does help me.
Healthy Habits
Here Are Healthy Habits Your Body Loves
1. First thing in the morning, drink 2 to 3 cups water.
• Drink warm or hot water. It’s gentler on an empty stomach.
• It is important that the water has nothing in it so that it passes through right away. If it contains anything at all (even lemon juice), it will stay in your stomach up to one hour not going into cleansing mode.
• The water will flush your kidneys and bladder, clean out fasting debris from your stomach and colon.
2. Get Enough Sleep and Rest
This is a very important healthy habit that easily gets missed.
It is important to be getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are still feeling tired it is recommended to take short naps of 15–30 minutes.
What happens when we do not get enough sleep?
• Your immune system is taxed, making you vulnerable to viruses. Your immune system rebuilds while you sleep.
• You are therefore more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold.
• The brain needs to clean itself of toxins. Brain cells shrink during sleep, opening the gaps between neurons that allow fluid to wash the brain clean, according to study in the Journal Science.
People gain weight when not getting enough sleep. Even just a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. – Research from the University of Pennsylvania found.
3. Breathe Deeply
Few of us breathe deeply. Do you remember the last time you took a long, slow, deep breath, and slowly let it out again?
• Deep breathing can help reduce stress. We often eat more when stressed.
• Breathing exercises will help strengthen your lungs.
• Breathing mindfully increases energy, stills the mind and lifts the spirits.
4. Eat Lots of Vegetables (no, potatoes don’t count!) Every Day
Fill your plate three-quarters full of vegetables.
• Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
• On average, there are only 50 calories (or less) per cup in most of the most nutritious vegetables.
(what I call PowerFoods)
• Powerfoods are high fiber foods that help cleanse your bowels, and thus your whole body.
• For a healthy Acid/Alkaline balance, your plate needs to be three quarters full of vegetables.
5. Control the Salt Habit
• Adults worldwide consume almost double the daily amount of salt recommended.
• This leads to weight gain, bloating, and the inability to lose those stubborn pounds.
• Salt can make you feel hungrier and thirstier.
• A belly will go down quickly just by cutting back on your sodium intake and eating more vegetables.
Note: A little salt is good for your body. Don’t eliminate salt entirely. Choose a salt that has nutrients in it, like Pink Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salt. Table salt has 2 nutrients in it.....Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salt have 80 plus trace minerals.

6. Make Time for Relaxation and Meditation
• If you have a meditation technique, try doing it in the morning before getting out of bed, for ten or fifteen minutes.
• If you don’t meditate, simply put on relaxing music, close your eyes and breathe, trying not to get caught up in your thoughts, watch them. Here is where you can incorporate your deep breathing, two birds, one stone (oh that wasn't a very relaxing thought, sorry).
7. Keep Fit
To start, go for a walk of 20 – 30 minutes every day is a great healthy habit.
• A regular exercise program of at least 30 minutes several days a week will help build a strong immune system and help weight drop off, too.
• Being fit will help you recover quicker if you do get sick.
8. Keep Sugar Highs and Lows in Check
Sugar Cravings can rule you because they are an addiction. You will need to develop some new habits to overcome them.
Why do we need to keep the sugar out?
Sugar: Makes you fat, nervous, contributes to diabetes, kidney and heart problems, suppresses the immune system and causes wrinkles!
Sugar cravings are often due to lack of nutrients creating an undernourished, hungry body. Keep your body nourished with lots of real food and extra nutritional supplements.
Things to do to help reduce sugar:
• Eat fresh and dried fruit instead of sugary sweets.
• Keep fully hydrated.
• Don’t skip meals. When you miss regular meals; you create a starving situation in your body and you will eat anything to bring your blood sugar level back to normal — and you know what that means.
• No sweets in your cupboards or fridge. It is too tempting to have them available.
• When craving strikes, go for a walk.
All these healthy habits are pretty obvious and simple to start. The trick is doing them long enough so they are an established part of your routine. This will take time and attention. Don't try to change everything at once (unless you are in crisis and it is a must), but add a new change regularly. As you feel better you will want to continue.

• It is important that the water has nothing in it so that it passes through right away. If it contains anything at all (even lemon juice), it will stay in your stomach up to one hour not going into cleansing mode.
• The water will flush your kidneys and bladder, clean out fasting debris from your stomach and colon.
2. Get Enough Sleep and Rest
This is a very important healthy habit that easily gets missed.
It is important to be getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are still feeling tired it is recommended to take short naps of 15–30 minutes.
What happens when we do not get enough sleep?
• Your immune system is taxed, making you vulnerable to viruses. Your immune system rebuilds while you sleep.

• The brain needs to clean itself of toxins. Brain cells shrink during sleep, opening the gaps between neurons that allow fluid to wash the brain clean, according to study in the Journal Science.
People gain weight when not getting enough sleep. Even just a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. – Research from the University of Pennsylvania found.
3. Breathe Deeply

• Deep breathing can help reduce stress. We often eat more when stressed.
• Breathing exercises will help strengthen your lungs.
• Breathing mindfully increases energy, stills the mind and lifts the spirits.
4. Eat Lots of Vegetables (no, potatoes don’t count!) Every Day

• Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
• On average, there are only 50 calories (or less) per cup in most of the most nutritious vegetables.
(what I call PowerFoods)
• Powerfoods are high fiber foods that help cleanse your bowels, and thus your whole body.
• For a healthy Acid/Alkaline balance, your plate needs to be three quarters full of vegetables.

• Adults worldwide consume almost double the daily amount of salt recommended.
• This leads to weight gain, bloating, and the inability to lose those stubborn pounds.
• Salt can make you feel hungrier and thirstier.

Note: A little salt is good for your body. Don’t eliminate salt entirely. Choose a salt that has nutrients in it, like Pink Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salt. Table salt has 2 nutrients in it.....Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salt have 80 plus trace minerals.

6. Make Time for Relaxation and Meditation

• If you don’t meditate, simply put on relaxing music, close your eyes and breathe, trying not to get caught up in your thoughts, watch them. Here is where you can incorporate your deep breathing, two birds, one stone (oh that wasn't a very relaxing thought, sorry).
7. Keep Fit
• A regular exercise program of at least 30 minutes several days a week will help build a strong immune system and help weight drop off, too.
• Being fit will help you recover quicker if you do get sick.
8. Keep Sugar Highs and Lows in Check
Sugar Cravings can rule you because they are an addiction. You will need to develop some new habits to overcome them.
Why do we need to keep the sugar out?

Sugar cravings are often due to lack of nutrients creating an undernourished, hungry body. Keep your body nourished with lots of real food and extra nutritional supplements.
Things to do to help reduce sugar:
• Eat fresh and dried fruit instead of sugary sweets.
• Keep fully hydrated.
• Don’t skip meals. When you miss regular meals; you create a starving situation in your body and you will eat anything to bring your blood sugar level back to normal — and you know what that means.
• No sweets in your cupboards or fridge. It is too tempting to have them available.
• When craving strikes, go for a walk.
All these healthy habits are pretty obvious and simple to start. The trick is doing them long enough so they are an established part of your routine. This will take time and attention. Don't try to change everything at once (unless you are in crisis and it is a must), but add a new change regularly. As you feel better you will want to continue.
Green Bananas
Green bananas (unlike their ripe counterparts) have a high starch content. They specifically contain resistant starch, which passes through the body undigested.
Resistant starch: 🍌Increases absorption of important minerals like calcium and magnesium; 🍌Decreases absorption of toxic and carcinogenic compounds 🍌Helps with insulin sensitivity 🍌Lowers overall blood glucose levels 🍌Increases feelings of satiety 🍌As a prebiotic, promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria (particularly bifidobacterium) in the digestive tract, important for a healthy digestive system and overall wellness. 🍌Increases fermentation and the production of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate. Why is this important? Well, these acids lower the pH of our bowel, making it less hospitable for nasty pathogens and bad bacteria.
In addition to starch, raw bananas contain Vitamins A, C, and B6, and potassium.
What a superfood! 💚
From "Get Gutsy With Sammy Potts"
Cacao Vs. Cocoa
Know the difference: Cacao versus Cocoa.
Raw Cacao Powder: Made by cold-pressing unroasted cocoa beans. The process keeps the living enzymes in the cocoa and removes the fat (cacao butter).
Cocoa Powder: Raw cacao that has been roasted at high temperatures. Roasting changes the molecular structure of the bean, reducing the enzyme content and lowering the overall nutritional value.
Cacao Butter: The fat in cocoa beans that separates from the powder when the bean is cold pressed (cacao) or roasted (cocoa).
Cacao Liquor: Mostly referred to as "cocoa mass" it's pure chocolate in liquid form. Made by pressing the whole cocoa bean and heating it at a very low temperature until it forms a paste, it is the main ingredient in most conventional chocolate.
Cacao Nibs: Beans that have been separated from their husks and broken into small "chocolate chip-like" chunks. Cacao nibs have a higher antioxidant content than blueberries, red wine and green tea. They also contain chromium, an important mineral for stabilising blood sugar and reducing appetite.
Carob: Some like to use carob as a substitute for chocolate (Ha! there is not sub for chocolate!) It contains up to 50% fructose. The fructose content in Cacao and Cocoa is negligible.

Cocoa Powder: Raw cacao that has been roasted at high temperatures. Roasting changes the molecular structure of the bean, reducing the enzyme content and lowering the overall nutritional value.
Cacao Butter: The fat in cocoa beans that separates from the powder when the bean is cold pressed (cacao) or roasted (cocoa).
Cacao Liquor: Mostly referred to as "cocoa mass" it's pure chocolate in liquid form. Made by pressing the whole cocoa bean and heating it at a very low temperature until it forms a paste, it is the main ingredient in most conventional chocolate.
Cacao Nibs: Beans that have been separated from their husks and broken into small "chocolate chip-like" chunks. Cacao nibs have a higher antioxidant content than blueberries, red wine and green tea. They also contain chromium, an important mineral for stabilising blood sugar and reducing appetite.
Carob: Some like to use carob as a substitute for chocolate (Ha! there is not sub for chocolate!) It contains up to 50% fructose. The fructose content in Cacao and Cocoa is negligible.
Which diet is best?
It can be so confusing. There are so many diets and health plans that do make sense, but which one is the best? There is vegan, vegetarian, paleo, ketogenic; there are meat eaters, ovo vegetarian, lacto vegetarians, lacto-ovo vegetarians. The list goes on. Even some health documentaries have people in them that have conflicting opinions. One says we should eat potatoes, another says potatoes are harmful to eat. One says olive oil is good, another says it is bad. One says humans should not consume legumes, another says we need a cup of beans a day to stay healthy!

I think they are all right. At certain times, maybe potatoes and olive oil isn't the best thing for a person. When healing the gut, certain foods should be put aside for a while. The important thing is for an individual to listen to their body and see how a food makes them feel. Common sense needs to come into play here. Some times we need to take a break from even something we perceive as a 'superfood.' Some diets might be healthful for a while, but harmful long term. There are as many answers as there are individuals. Find what works for you.

I think they are all right. At certain times, maybe potatoes and olive oil isn't the best thing for a person. When healing the gut, certain foods should be put aside for a while. The important thing is for an individual to listen to their body and see how a food makes them feel. Common sense needs to come into play here. Some times we need to take a break from even something we perceive as a 'superfood.' Some diets might be healthful for a while, but harmful long term. There are as many answers as there are individuals. Find what works for you.
Simple, not always easy.
It is the small, elementary things that make such a difference in our health: Chewing your food thoroughly, drinking enough water, having enough time between meals so you can properly digest your food. The laws of health are simple to follow (notice I didn't say 'easy'?) They are simple, cheap, powerful and effective. All these simple things are within our power to do to reduce gut inflammation. We get to decide our gut health and since most health issues begin in the gut, that is a lot of control over your own life!
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