Microwave popcorn is convenient, quick, easy, and generally a tasty snack. It is also filled with perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. This chemical lines the bags to keep the oils from escaping. It is also used in non-stick coatings and stain-resistant carpets. PFOA mimics hormones and has been linked to infertility, thyroid disorders, immune problems, high cholesterol, and cancer. It isn’t the only problem with microwaved popcorn. It also contains diacetyl, a chemical butter flavoring that causes lung damage.
The good news is that popcorn, when cooked correctly, is a low calorie, healthy snack that is also GMO free. Make it the old fashioned way with coconut oil and movement or an air popper. Toss them with dried herbs and a little olive oil for a better seasoning than a ton of butter and salt. If you are like me and just need that butter, make it organic butter and use less. If you must use the microwave, place some popcorn in a brown paper bag, fold flap and use the popcorn setting. I haven't tried this myself since I don't own a microwave (so many issues with this one we'll leave for another day) so you will have to let me know if it works.
Note: while the popcorn seed, unlike 90% of the corn crops in America, are not Genetically Modified (GMO), they are heavily sprayed with pesticides. Buy organic popcorn to avoid these chemicals. My family and I can tell a difference between how we feel after eating organic vs. regular popcorn. I call it my guilt free snack.....now if I could just limit it to one bowl!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Double Whammy?
This time of year (October through January) the majority of people add on 3-5 pounds. The sad part is that the majority of those KEEP those 3-5 pounds. It is such a small increase it’s hardly noticed until a few years go by and we have an extra 30-50 pounds hanging on.
Where do these extra pounds come from? Starting with Halloween candy, we add on Thanksgiving meal (which, let’s face it, lasts the whole week!), then from Thanksgiving to Christmas we have candy and delicious goodies in abundance. By the New Year we are just in the habit of eating more!
Also, this time of year we don’t exercise as much as we do when the weather is warmer. So we are moving less. Add that to the extra sweets and food and our bodies take a hit. Our circulation is decreased without exercise and our immune systems are compromised with all that sugar and bad food. The Double Whammy!
Every counter or desk has a bowl of candy...one piece won’t hurt...no, but 5 trips a day to that same bowl will! Replace that bowl of candy with a bouquet of flowers (same price!). You will get satisfaction from looking at the beautiful flowers and feel you are contributing to the holiday feeling. Can’t fit in the exercise? Park at the back of any parking lot and “walk” to the store. Take the long way around the office - avoiding those desks with candy - to get in a few more steps each day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator - sometimes it is even faster. Do squats or leg raises during TV commercials. Be creative, you’ll find a way to exercise.
You have to PLAN to not gain those extra pounds...you have to PLAN to exercise more. Let me know what strategies work for you during the holidays.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
For the Chocolate Lover
This is a Christmas present for you Chocolate lovers. Everything in this recipe is good for you.
1/2 cup Coconut oil offers antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-cancer properties. It improves digestion, nutrient absorption and intestinal health. It provides cardiovascular benefits and helps manage Type 2 Diabetes. Coconut oil promotes kidney and liver health and supports the immune system. It also benefits metabolism, energy, and weight management.
1/2 cup Coconut oil offers antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-cancer properties. It improves digestion, nutrient absorption and intestinal health. It provides cardiovascular benefits and helps manage Type 2 Diabetes. Coconut oil promotes kidney and liver health and supports the immune system. It also benefits metabolism, energy, and weight management.
1/2 cup Raw Cacao Powder (not the roasted, processed cousin known as cocoa), has nutritional benefits, from reducing cataracts to improving heart function to alleviating stress and preventing cancer. I also add a Tablespoon of Cacao Nibs for an extra crunch.
1/2 cup Natural Peanut Butter (as in peanuts ground with a little salt) makes a very healthy fat, that is high in nutrients, fiber and protein.
1/4 cup Raw Honey (honey that has not been filtered, strained or heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit), has many health benefits such as: energy boost, excellent source of antioxidants, supports good bacteria, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and slows aging.
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract has a few health benefits with many vitamins in trace amounts. One little known fact is vanilla extract is good for nausea. Add a few drops to a glass of water and sip on it to relieve nausea. Vanilla has also been known to reduce stress and anxiety.
Alternate flavoring: Substitute about 1/2 teaspoon mint extract flavoring (or to taste) instead of the peanut butter for a chocolate mint candy. Or a fun festive thing would be to add crushed candy cane.
Alternate flavoring: Substitute about 1/2 teaspoon mint extract flavoring (or to taste) instead of the peanut butter for a chocolate mint candy. Or a fun festive thing would be to add crushed candy cane.
Directions: Prepare a mini muffin pan with liners. Put all ingredients in the bowl of your food processor. Pulse a few times until everything is smooth and nicely combined (it will be very liquid-y). Don't overmix. Pour the liquid fudge into the prepared muffin liners dividing evenly between them. There will be about half an inch of fudge in each muffin liner. Place the muffin pan in the refrigerator or freezer until the fudge has hardened (10 to 30 minutes). Remove the muffin liners from the pan and enjoy your delicious, healthy fudge! Store in the refrigerator. It will melt quickly at room temp. If you don't have a muffin tin you can pour the whole batch into a shallow tupperware. To remove just place your warm hands on the bottom to release the fudge. Cut into small bites and return to refrigerator.
This recipe comes with a warning: It is VERY habit forming! If you like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, this is a healthy alternative. Remember that anything in excess will cause weight gain, however for that Chocolate "fix" to help you through the holidays, this one is easy to make and even easier to eat! Enjoy!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
What environment do you live in?
Have you ever been diagnosed with Heartburn or Acid-Reflux? Both of these problems can be the result of an over-acidic diet. Our nutritional goal for optimum health is maintaining a proper acid/alkaline balance. It is important that the diet is slightly more alkaline than acid for the body to repair itself. Sounds easy; however, in our society the acid food reigns. Your body cannot thrive in an acidic environment.
The body will always strive to maintain a proper acid/alkaline balance, though the more we help it along by eating the right balance of foods, the less wear and tear on the system. If an acid condition continues, however, the body will draw minerals from other areas to try to neutralize itself. For instance, calcium, an alkaline-forming mineral, may be released from bones. This is a short-term solution which, over time, can lead to osteoporosis. Chronic over-acidity removes oxygen from the blood and can result in lowered immunity and premature aging, kidney stone formation, muscle loss, back pain, gout and other joint diseases. Chronic degenerative conditions, like cancer, tend to develop in an over acid environment. Over acidity also can produce that tired, headachy, fuzzy-headed feeling many people get, especially after eating.
The typical American diet is acidic, consisting of foods that have an acidifying effect on the body - too much meat, processed foods, refined sugars, chemical additives, caffeine, alcohol (yup, all your favorites), as well as most prescription drugs. A plant-based diet of whole, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains, etc., will naturally have a more alkalinizing effect. You will find that the more you eat the alkaline foods the more you will crave them and they will become your favorites.
If you are regaining your health, a diet of 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods is best. For maintaining health, usually 60% alkaline and 40% acid is adequate. Try this: for every 10 foods eaten, 6 should be vegetables, 2 fruits, 1 protein, 1 starch and whole, organic grains. Some foods that we would consider acid, like lemons, are not the problem. In fact if you are experiencing the effects of an over acid diet, try drinking a glass of water with a lemon in it to balance you out.
Remember that it is not the occasional bad eating day; i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas dinner, but the day in and day out acid diet that will destroy you. Find your balance!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Beating Anxiety
Overcoming anxiety without medications involves making lifestyle changes, and that includes changing your diet. There are foods that will help cure anxiety, and foods that will contribute to anxiety, and by choosing the right foods, you can drastically cut down on the amount of anxiety you experience – and possibly improve your mood.
All of the above foods are beneficial for dealing with your anxiety. They provide vitamins and nutrients that are known to calm the mind and body while also increasing energy and stabilizing your mood. Combine those foods with a balanced diet that is free of fried foods and harmful ingredients and you should see a marked difference in your anxiety levels.
Healthy eating is one of the best ways to control anxiety and stress. In fact, one of the best things you can add to your diet is to drink more water. Many studies have found that dehydration affects as many as 25% of those with persistent stress or more, and dehydration is known to cause more anxiety.
As for foods, anything with magnesium, vitamin B12 (and other B vitamins), zinc, and antioxidants can be beneficial for helping you deal with stress. There are also herbal supplements like kava and passionflower that may be valuable for anxiety.
Some of the top foods to relax your mind are:
Cashews - two handfuls a day (works like Prozac!). Blueberries, Acai Berries and Peaches have a calming effect. Almonds are high in zinc (a nutrient for maintaining a balanced mood) and iron (low iron levels have been known to cause brain fatigue, which can contribute to both anxiety and a lack of energy). Chocolate (Cacao especially) reduces cortisol – the stress hormone that causes anxiety symptoms. And one that might not be easy to find, but is loaded with magnesium and iron (more than every other type of fruit and vegetable) Maca Root, found in health food stores.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is deeply interconnected with your health in a myriad of ways.
- Recent research shows that your brain has a unique waste management system, similar to the lymphatic system in your body. This system, dubbed the glymphatic system, is activated during sleep.
- Research has found that sleep deprivation has the same effect on your immune system as physical stress or illness.
- By pumping cerebral spinal fluid through your brain’s tissues, the glymphatic system flushes the waste from your brain back into your body’s circulatory system and into your liver, where it’s ultimately eliminated.
- During sleep, your brain cells also shrink by about 60 percent, which allows for more efficient waste removal.
- Amyloid-beta, for example—proteins that form the notorious plaque found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients—is removed in significantly greater quantities during sleep.
- Lack of sleep can impair your ability to lose excess pounds or maintain your ideal weight. When you are sleep deprived, leptin (the hormone that signals satiety) falls, while ghrelin (which signals hunger) rises.
- Accelerate tumor growth, primarily due to disrupted melatonin production. Melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as tiggering cancer cell self destruction. The hormone also interferes with the new blood supply tumors require for their rapid growth.
- Contribute to premature aging by interfering with your growth hormone production, normally released by your pituitary gland during deep sleep. And who doesn’t want to slow down aging?
Can't sleep? There are a few simple things you can do to help. #1 shut off your computer at least one hour before bedtime. Don't have your computer sitting on your lap. The radiation from your laptop will continue to disrupt your sleep long after it is off. Don't sleep with electronics near your bed (i.e. cell phone) Soak your feet in Epsom salts before bedtime or a whole bath. Take Valerian Root and Magnesium to relax the muscles. Get plenty of exercise during the day.
Sleep is so important to our health. Make good sleep a priority in your life. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..........
Thursday, October 3, 2013
What's your addiction?
Why can't we give up the diet and lifestyle that is killing us? Because we are addicted to it! We don't usually think of addictions when it comes to food, but it is probably the number one addiction in our lives. The good news is we can get just as addicted to the good foods as we do to the bad foods. It is simple (I said simple, not easy). By simply eating more fresh, plant based foods, we change our addiction. At first you have to consciously choose the healthier foods, but over time, they will become your preference.
Simple? Yes! Eat more plants. You might be surprised to learn that a plant-based diet is the only nutritional protocol known to man that has been shown to prevent—and in many cases, actually reverse, the four major diseases in our society: Heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.
Many of the bad foods are specifically devised to activate the pleasure centers in our brain, enslaving us to habitual poor dietary choices—the very essence of addiction. When combined with our preference for excessive meat and dairy intake, blood cholesterol escalates, clogging our arteries; our cells become cancerous; and our immune systems spiral out of control in response, creating a state of chronic inflammation. This creates a persistent condition in which our bodies become disease incubators, sentencing us to an almost certain future of chronic illness.
With each successive step along the path, you'll begin to notice changes. As your energy levels improve, your preferences will shift from empty calories to foods that actually nourish you. The more whole, plant-foods you incorporate into your routine, the more likely those unhealthy cravings will subside. And before you know it, that hankering for cheese might just vanish altogether.
On average, we Americans eat about 6% of our diets as plant food. That means the other 94% is unhealthy fats, chemicals and junk. If we reversed that - 94% healthy plant based foods and sneaked in 6% of our addiction of choice (mine would be chocolate and potato chips....), disease would almost disappear in our society. This is so freeing! You are in control.
Simple? Yes! Eat more plants. You might be surprised to learn that a plant-based diet is the only nutritional protocol known to man that has been shown to prevent—and in many cases, actually reverse, the four major diseases in our society: Heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.
Many of the bad foods are specifically devised to activate the pleasure centers in our brain, enslaving us to habitual poor dietary choices—the very essence of addiction. When combined with our preference for excessive meat and dairy intake, blood cholesterol escalates, clogging our arteries; our cells become cancerous; and our immune systems spiral out of control in response, creating a state of chronic inflammation. This creates a persistent condition in which our bodies become disease incubators, sentencing us to an almost certain future of chronic illness.
With each successive step along the path, you'll begin to notice changes. As your energy levels improve, your preferences will shift from empty calories to foods that actually nourish you. The more whole, plant-foods you incorporate into your routine, the more likely those unhealthy cravings will subside. And before you know it, that hankering for cheese might just vanish altogether.
On average, we Americans eat about 6% of our diets as plant food. That means the other 94% is unhealthy fats, chemicals and junk. If we reversed that - 94% healthy plant based foods and sneaked in 6% of our addiction of choice (mine would be chocolate and potato chips....), disease would almost disappear in our society. This is so freeing! You are in control.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
What makes us fat?
With over one third of Americans classify as obese, it is time for change.
Here are 10 Foods Guaranteed to Make You Fat:
1. Artificial Sweeteners:
Diet soda does have less calories and less sugar than regular soda, but a study found that people who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases six times greater than people who didn’t drink it.
Research has also shown that Nutrasweet, one of the most popular artificial sweeteners, leads to the same surge of insulin as white carbs (see No 7 food below) – because of sweetness detectors in the small intestine.
2. White sugar is full of calories that sabotage healthy eating and prime your palate to crave sweets.
The world is filled with sugar addicts. When our blood sugars are high we are high. When our blood sugar is low, we feel totally run down and exhausted and want more sugar. Sugar has no vitamins or minerals, just lots of fat building calories. Watch for hidden sugars.
3. Cheese can be a fattening food.
It contains a large amount of fat. Fat has nine calories per gram, protein and carbohydrates have only four. The most fattening food in the world is considered to be cheese fries.
4. Gluten rich foods are fattening but so are most common gluten free packaged products.
Read the labels; they are full of starch and sugar. A study discovered that it was easy to eat too many slices of bread in one sitting.
5. Potatoes were found to be the top food making us fat. However, the way potatoes are prepared is really the culprit here. Every serving of fries eaten in a day was linked to weight gain of more than three pounds, while eating an extra serving of potato chips led to a gain of 1.69 pounds.
6. Alcohol blocks the body from burning fat. Alcohol increases the release of the hormone cortisol that breaks down muscle and retains fat. The loss of muscle can slow down metabolism making it easier to gain weight. Also, alcohol causes a drop in testosterone in men, a hormone which helps burn fat.
Fat metabolism can be reduced by as much as 73 percent after only two drinks of vodka and lemonade in a one hour time period. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). Alcohol dehydrates the body which needs to be hydrated to build muscle and burn fat.
7. White Carbs (white rice, pasta, white bread, and starches) are fattening because they are high glycemic index foods. White carbs makes it hard to lose body fat.
8. Fats and Oils are fattening especially when they come as deep fried foods and baked goods.
Fats and oils also contain 120 calories per tablespoon. Even olive oil has lots of calories even though it has significant health benefits.
9. Processed Foods are loaded with calories and almost no nutrients!
Diet microwave meals and frozen meals are high in sodium and calorie rich fat to make the stuff taste good. Eating them will have you retaining water in your arms and legs, leaving you puffy.
Research by the London University College team, suggests that a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression.
10. Processed meats (lunch meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs - even the vegetarian versions) are high in calories, fat and sodium. Sixty eight percent of bacon’s calories come from fat, almost half is saturated fat and each ounce has 30 milligrams of cholesterol. Too much salt in your body leads to water retention and bloating. NO amount of processed meat is considered safe to eat, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Let’s not short change our body with an abundance of the above foods filled with fat, sugar, and chemicals. If you are still eating many of them try to start decreasing the quantity till you are in control.
The best way to do that is to fill up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and quality proteins first.
Here are 10 Foods Guaranteed to Make You Fat:
1. Artificial Sweeteners:
Diet soda does have less calories and less sugar than regular soda, but a study found that people who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases six times greater than people who didn’t drink it.
Research has also shown that Nutrasweet, one of the most popular artificial sweeteners, leads to the same surge of insulin as white carbs (see No 7 food below) – because of sweetness detectors in the small intestine.
2. White sugar is full of calories that sabotage healthy eating and prime your palate to crave sweets.
The world is filled with sugar addicts. When our blood sugars are high we are high. When our blood sugar is low, we feel totally run down and exhausted and want more sugar. Sugar has no vitamins or minerals, just lots of fat building calories. Watch for hidden sugars.
3. Cheese can be a fattening food.
It contains a large amount of fat. Fat has nine calories per gram, protein and carbohydrates have only four. The most fattening food in the world is considered to be cheese fries.
4. Gluten rich foods are fattening but so are most common gluten free packaged products.
Read the labels; they are full of starch and sugar. A study discovered that it was easy to eat too many slices of bread in one sitting.
5. Potatoes were found to be the top food making us fat. However, the way potatoes are prepared is really the culprit here. Every serving of fries eaten in a day was linked to weight gain of more than three pounds, while eating an extra serving of potato chips led to a gain of 1.69 pounds.
6. Alcohol blocks the body from burning fat. Alcohol increases the release of the hormone cortisol that breaks down muscle and retains fat. The loss of muscle can slow down metabolism making it easier to gain weight. Also, alcohol causes a drop in testosterone in men, a hormone which helps burn fat.
Fat metabolism can be reduced by as much as 73 percent after only two drinks of vodka and lemonade in a one hour time period. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). Alcohol dehydrates the body which needs to be hydrated to build muscle and burn fat.
7. White Carbs (white rice, pasta, white bread, and starches) are fattening because they are high glycemic index foods. White carbs makes it hard to lose body fat.
8. Fats and Oils are fattening especially when they come as deep fried foods and baked goods.
Fats and oils also contain 120 calories per tablespoon. Even olive oil has lots of calories even though it has significant health benefits.
9. Processed Foods are loaded with calories and almost no nutrients!
Diet microwave meals and frozen meals are high in sodium and calorie rich fat to make the stuff taste good. Eating them will have you retaining water in your arms and legs, leaving you puffy.
Research by the London University College team, suggests that a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression.
10. Processed meats (lunch meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs - even the vegetarian versions) are high in calories, fat and sodium. Sixty eight percent of bacon’s calories come from fat, almost half is saturated fat and each ounce has 30 milligrams of cholesterol. Too much salt in your body leads to water retention and bloating. NO amount of processed meat is considered safe to eat, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Let’s not short change our body with an abundance of the above foods filled with fat, sugar, and chemicals. If you are still eating many of them try to start decreasing the quantity till you are in control.
The best way to do that is to fill up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and quality proteins first.
Magnesium for Children
Magnesium is the most relaxing mineral of all and crucial for growing children. It helps build strong bones and balance blood sugar. A magnesium deficiency can cause irritability, restlessness, poor sleep, and muscle cramps. Research has shown a tendency for overweight children to be lower in magnesium and this can be easily addressed by eating magnesium rich foods such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, spinach, sesame seeds, cashews, almonds, raw cacao and sea vegetables such as dulse and kelp. - Hungry for Change
(I always find wisdom on the Hungry for Change website: http://www.hungryforchange.tv
(I always find wisdom on the Hungry for Change website: http://www.hungryforchange.tv
Monday, September 16, 2013
Pain Relief
We all are very grateful for medication when it is needed for pain. However let’s look at pain. It is a good thing, it serves as a warning of deeper, underlying problems, which otherwise may have gone unnoticed. So it is extremely important not to simply ignore or mask your pain, but rather to seek out and address the problem that is causing you to be in pain. Once that problem is addressed, it’s likely the pain will subside. In the event that it doesn’t, here are some methods you can try to reduce and eliminate pain, without relying on prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
1. Deep and proper sleep. Sleep is the time when your body is able to do repair work. So whether you’re in pain from an injury or due to an underlying condition, your body will be able to fight and work toward healing that pain while you sleep. Pain and sleep can be a “catch 22” though, in that often people with pain have trouble falling asleep. You can try taking a natural relaxant like Valerian Root and Magnesium and getting some exercise during the day.
2. Prayer. Prayer has been found to be as effective in reducing pain as prescription drugs.....so get that communication going!
3. Stretching. Stretching helps to reduce tension in your muscles, improve flexibility and range of motion, and may slow the degeneration of your joints. The act of stretching alone will also improve your blood circulation and help you to relax -- a key to pain relief.
4. Reduce/Prevent Inflammation. When your body is in a chronic state of inflammation, the inflammation can lodge in your muscles, joints and tissues. Over time, this can lead to physical pain, as well as a number of diseases including heart disease. Emotions (too much stress), diet and lifestyle all contribute to inflammation. You can lower inflammation by eating ANTI-inflammatory foods (fruits and vegetables) and limiting or avoiding all together the PRO-inflammatory foods (highly processed foods, high-sugar foods, trans fats, etc). (you knew that was coming!)
5. Regular exercise. Although you may be tempted to not move around much when you’re facing pain, a regular exercise program can help to relieve pain. Exercise works by prompting your body to release chemicals called endorphins that actually block pain signals from reaching your brain. (be practical and don’t hurt yourself, start slow)
6. Hot or Cold Packs. Applying a hot pad or cold pack to your area of pain can provide temporary relief. Hot pads are helpful for sore muscles, while cold packs work by numbing the affected area and reduce swelling. Rule of thumb: cold for immediate injury and swelling; hot for chronic pain and sore muscles. Be careful not to use a pad that is too hot or too cold, and when using a cold pack, wrap it in a towel so you don’t expose your skin to the cold (speaking from personal experience on this one - ouch!) A hot bath in epsom salts may also be very beneficial.
If you are still in pain there is nothing wrong with taking a pain med, however if you can find a natural way to relieve your pain first your body will thank you for it. Every med has a side effect, but in the short term it shouldn’t cause damage. Listen to your body and find the best pain relief possible for YOU.
1. Deep and proper sleep. Sleep is the time when your body is able to do repair work. So whether you’re in pain from an injury or due to an underlying condition, your body will be able to fight and work toward healing that pain while you sleep. Pain and sleep can be a “catch 22” though, in that often people with pain have trouble falling asleep. You can try taking a natural relaxant like Valerian Root and Magnesium and getting some exercise during the day.
2. Prayer. Prayer has been found to be as effective in reducing pain as prescription drugs.....so get that communication going!
3. Stretching. Stretching helps to reduce tension in your muscles, improve flexibility and range of motion, and may slow the degeneration of your joints. The act of stretching alone will also improve your blood circulation and help you to relax -- a key to pain relief.
4. Reduce/Prevent Inflammation. When your body is in a chronic state of inflammation, the inflammation can lodge in your muscles, joints and tissues. Over time, this can lead to physical pain, as well as a number of diseases including heart disease. Emotions (too much stress), diet and lifestyle all contribute to inflammation. You can lower inflammation by eating ANTI-inflammatory foods (fruits and vegetables) and limiting or avoiding all together the PRO-inflammatory foods (highly processed foods, high-sugar foods, trans fats, etc). (you knew that was coming!)
5. Regular exercise. Although you may be tempted to not move around much when you’re facing pain, a regular exercise program can help to relieve pain. Exercise works by prompting your body to release chemicals called endorphins that actually block pain signals from reaching your brain. (be practical and don’t hurt yourself, start slow)
6. Hot or Cold Packs. Applying a hot pad or cold pack to your area of pain can provide temporary relief. Hot pads are helpful for sore muscles, while cold packs work by numbing the affected area and reduce swelling. Rule of thumb: cold for immediate injury and swelling; hot for chronic pain and sore muscles. Be careful not to use a pad that is too hot or too cold, and when using a cold pack, wrap it in a towel so you don’t expose your skin to the cold (speaking from personal experience on this one - ouch!) A hot bath in epsom salts may also be very beneficial.
If you are still in pain there is nothing wrong with taking a pain med, however if you can find a natural way to relieve your pain first your body will thank you for it. Every med has a side effect, but in the short term it shouldn’t cause damage. Listen to your body and find the best pain relief possible for YOU.
Keeping the brain active is as important as keeping the rest of your body active and healthy. How do you exercise your brain? Games! Sudoku, word puzzles, card and board games. Even something as simple (and mindless) as switching to your non-dominant hand for everyday tasks can stimulate the brain. Try brushing your teeth or writing with your left hand (if right handed). These small tasks will challenge your brain. Let me know some creative ways you come up with to keep your brain active.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Avocados are probably my most favorite way to get healthy oils into my diet. So many people are concerned that they are getting too much fat from avocados. If you are adding it to an already fatty diet from processed fats, than maybe there is cause for concern. If you are eating all natural fats in the whole food form, then there shouldn't be any concern.
Here are a few facts about avocados that you may find helpful:
1. They are baby friendly. They mush into the perfect baby food. (Fun fact: Avocados are the size of a baby in the mother's womb at 16 weeks.)
2. They are fiber rich. There are 10 grams of fiber in one medium-sized avocado. There are two grams of fiber in one serving, which is one-fifth of a medium avocado. It contains both insoluble and soluble fiber (which speeds up the passage of foods) accounts for 75%, with the remaining 25% as soluble fiber (the fiber that makes you feel full).
3. They have natural packaging. The thick skin protects them. You can't eat the skin, but it shields the green goodness inside, making avocados perfect for travel.
4. They lower bad cholesterol. Avocados are one of the only fruits that contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat (the good-for-you fat) that helps boost good (HDL) cholesterol and lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol.
5. They upgrade your dips and spreads. An avocado serving size is 50 calories, which works out to be 3 thin slices or 2 tablespoons mashed. There are fewer calories than the same amount of butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, peanut butter, almond butter, olive oil, and coconut oil - plus avocado has over 20 vitamins and minerals to upgrade your natural diet! Use avocado as a substitute today!
6. They're gluten free, dairy free, vegan and cholesterol-free. Avocados are naturally full of nutrition, so there's no need for special labels. They're full of flavor; think of all the meals you can healthify (I like that word!) with avocados.
7. You know when they're ripe and ready. Avocados are ripe when they feel heavy for their size, yield to light pressure and are dark in color. But don't squeeze them too hard. Not ripe? Put in a brown paper bag for 2-4 days, or you can speed up this process by putting a banana or apple in the bag. If you have many ripe ones on hand, place them in your vegetable crisper in the refrigerator to extend the life.
8. They're an anti-aging powerhouse. Avocados are one of the most inexpensive anti-aging tools for your skin. Skincare from the inside out.
9. Yes, avocado is a fruit and it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. The avocados we get in non growing areas are picked hard and green and kept in coolers until they reach their final destination. Avocados must be matured on the tree to ripen properly. In a perfect world they would fall off the tree and ripen on the ground naturally.
10. Avocado trees do not self-pollinate; they need another avocado tree close by to bear fruit.
Now that you know the basics of avocados, incorporate avocados into your own healthy lifestyle.
Here are a few facts about avocados that you may find helpful:
1. They are baby friendly. They mush into the perfect baby food. (Fun fact: Avocados are the size of a baby in the mother's womb at 16 weeks.)
2. They are fiber rich. There are 10 grams of fiber in one medium-sized avocado. There are two grams of fiber in one serving, which is one-fifth of a medium avocado. It contains both insoluble and soluble fiber (which speeds up the passage of foods) accounts for 75%, with the remaining 25% as soluble fiber (the fiber that makes you feel full).
3. They have natural packaging. The thick skin protects them. You can't eat the skin, but it shields the green goodness inside, making avocados perfect for travel.
4. They lower bad cholesterol. Avocados are one of the only fruits that contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat (the good-for-you fat) that helps boost good (HDL) cholesterol and lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol.
5. They upgrade your dips and spreads. An avocado serving size is 50 calories, which works out to be 3 thin slices or 2 tablespoons mashed. There are fewer calories than the same amount of butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, peanut butter, almond butter, olive oil, and coconut oil - plus avocado has over 20 vitamins and minerals to upgrade your natural diet! Use avocado as a substitute today!
6. They're gluten free, dairy free, vegan and cholesterol-free. Avocados are naturally full of nutrition, so there's no need for special labels. They're full of flavor; think of all the meals you can healthify (I like that word!) with avocados.
7. You know when they're ripe and ready. Avocados are ripe when they feel heavy for their size, yield to light pressure and are dark in color. But don't squeeze them too hard. Not ripe? Put in a brown paper bag for 2-4 days, or you can speed up this process by putting a banana or apple in the bag. If you have many ripe ones on hand, place them in your vegetable crisper in the refrigerator to extend the life.
8. They're an anti-aging powerhouse. Avocados are one of the most inexpensive anti-aging tools for your skin. Skincare from the inside out.
9. Yes, avocado is a fruit and it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. The avocados we get in non growing areas are picked hard and green and kept in coolers until they reach their final destination. Avocados must be matured on the tree to ripen properly. In a perfect world they would fall off the tree and ripen on the ground naturally.
10. Avocado trees do not self-pollinate; they need another avocado tree close by to bear fruit.
Now that you know the basics of avocados, incorporate avocados into your own healthy lifestyle.
Friday, August 2, 2013

Eating breakfast doesn't have to be complicated. It can be a handful of nuts and an apple or banana. Throwing vegetables and fruit into a blender. It doesn't have to be something sweet or heavy. Just find something simple that works for you and your schedule.

If you think you are saving on calories by skipping breakfast, think again. Those are the easiest calories to burn.....you have all day to do it. If you make it heathy calories it will be fuel, not added weight. It has been found that people who eat breakfast are the most successful at losing weight.
Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast live happier, healthier, longer lives. It's such a simple thing. I challenge you to find a breakfast that works for you and your family. Breakfast is the most important meal in your day.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Getting Enough Fiber or Avoiding Constipation
Constipation isn't something we like to talk about or have! And it is definitely not something we want to have on a vacation. Unfortunately, it is a consequence of changing our normal routine, such as traveling. Exercise and diet are the things that fly out the window first. A quick walk around the block can be all that's needed to supply the exercise. Keeping fiber foods handy to snack on can help keep the diet on track.
Here is a simple Rx for keeping constipation at bay on a trip: Eat two cookies in the PM for a BM in the AM. Here's the recipe. Bon Appetite!
Fiber Cookie
1/2 cup peanut butter or almond butter (any ground up nut will do)
1 pureed apple or 1 cup applesauce
2 ripe bananas mashed
1/2 cup honey if more sweetness is desired
1/4 cup chia seeds in 1/4 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup coconut flour*
3/4 oat flour*
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup of dried fruit
1 cup nuts, and/or sunflower seeds
1/2 cup cacao nibs (optional, but great antioxidants and lovely chocolate flavor)
1-2 Tablespoons water if mixture is dry.
Bake on cookie sheet with parchment paper (easy cleanup and more even baking) Using a small scoop (about 2 T) make round cookies. Smash each cookie with a spatula. (I put a sheet of parchment paper over the top and smash each cookie - less mess and easier) Bake at 350 degrees F for about 20 minutes - ovens vary. Cookies will be lightly browned.
*Actually you just need about 1 1/2 cups total of some kind of whole grain flour: wheat, oats, bean, coconut (great fiber), millet, almond, etc. Be creative.
When out of raisins, I have substituted fresh apple or pear for the dried fruit and it works well.
#Each cookie has about 4 grams of fiber and approx 140 calories and is very filling.
Here is a simple Rx for keeping constipation at bay on a trip: Eat two cookies in the PM for a BM in the AM. Here's the recipe. Bon Appetite!
Fiber Cookie
1/2 cup peanut butter or almond butter (any ground up nut will do)
1 pureed apple or 1 cup applesauce
2 ripe bananas mashed
1/2 cup honey if more sweetness is desired
1/4 cup chia seeds in 1/4 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup coconut flour*
3/4 oat flour*
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup of dried fruit
1 cup nuts, and/or sunflower seeds
1/2 cup cacao nibs (optional, but great antioxidants and lovely chocolate flavor)
1-2 Tablespoons water if mixture is dry.
Bake on cookie sheet with parchment paper (easy cleanup and more even baking) Using a small scoop (about 2 T) make round cookies. Smash each cookie with a spatula. (I put a sheet of parchment paper over the top and smash each cookie - less mess and easier) Bake at 350 degrees F for about 20 minutes - ovens vary. Cookies will be lightly browned.
*Actually you just need about 1 1/2 cups total of some kind of whole grain flour: wheat, oats, bean, coconut (great fiber), millet, almond, etc. Be creative.
When out of raisins, I have substituted fresh apple or pear for the dried fruit and it works well.
#Each cookie has about 4 grams of fiber and approx 140 calories and is very filling.
Friday, July 12, 2013
What is Summer without Watermelon?
“When one has tasted watermelon, he knows what angels eat.” Mark Twain
Watermelon is an inexpensive way to help you cleanse your body and lose weight. A one cup serving of watermelon is only 47 calories.
In addition to weight loss, watermelon is a great source of energy and nutrients for your body. Watermelon is recommended by American Council on Exercise as a good choice of diet food. I consider it a power food.
Watermelon helps with cleansing, weight loss and health:
Watermelon is extremely alkaline-forming in the body. Fat cells contain toxicity and acid. Your body will not let go of fat cells while you are still acidic.
Watermelon is high in fiber. This fiber helps keep the colon clean.
Like most fruits watermelon has almost no fats. Besides lowering the calorie content, this makes it easy to digest and thus improves the digestion, a necessary factor in a clean lean body.
Watermelon is a very good source of potassium. This balances the high amounts of sodium our diets contain and thus supports the kidneys.
It can ease inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis. This lowers the toxic load in the body.
Watermelon Nutrition:
Excellent source of Vitamin C.
Very good source of Vitamin A.
Good source of potassium and magnesium.
Small amounts of most of the B Vitamins.
Trace amounts of Vitamin K and pantothenic acid.
Lots of trace amount minerals (copper, iron, manganse, selenium and zinc)
Lycopene with over 6888 mcg read about all the benefits of this below.
Supplies 5% of the daily fibre.
Only 45 calories per cup so it is an ideal diet food with its high in energy.
Fat free, well almost: 1 cup of diced watermelon has .23 grams of fat.
Only .02 grams of saturated fat in 1 cup of diced watermelon.
No cholesterol or caffeine.
Low sodium 3 mg in 1 cup of diced watermelon.
There is even 1 gram of protein in 1 cup of diced watermelon.
For a quick treat put watermelon meat into a blender and enjoy the whole food juice!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick
Some people never get sick! We all know them (and hate them). Are they just lucky or do they have better health habits? Why not look for health solutions from the people for whom the common cold is uncommon?
Secrets of people who never get sick:
1. They stress less. Stress damages the immune system. Exercise helps reduce stress.
2. They eat less. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure.
3. They opt for herbal remedies. Did you know that although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about one quarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health.
4. They make friends a priority. Studies show that people with strong friendships tend to have more robust immune systems and are less likely to succumb to infectious diseases.
5. They stayed pH balanced. According to some practitioners of alternative medicine, the body is healthiest when its systems are functioning midway between completely acidic and completely alkaline (i.e., pH balanced). When pH levels fall below that midpoint, the body suffers from a condition called acidosis, which even in minor cases can cause fatigue, rapid breathing, stomach problems and confusion. Since the typical American diet is very acidic be sure to grab a carrot (alkaline) now and then.
6. They eat garlic. Studies have shown that garlic can act as a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic, as well as cut the duration and the number of colds you catch. In addition, garlic has proved efficient in reducing blood pressure and triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Eating it fresh is better than a supplement (and tastes better too!)
7. They detox regularly. Some detoxes are as simple as warm water and lemon juice first thing in the morning. Find one that works well for you and find a way to get toxins out of our bodies.
8. They take more naps. Now that is one we can all get into! Sleep deprivation has the same biological effect as stress: Overtired bodies ratchet up production of the hormone cortisol, which gives you energy but restricts production of human growth hormone, limiting your body’s ability to repair itself. Just like stress, sleep loss has a degenerative effect on your health, and lack of sleep is also tied to compromised immune function.
Now you know the secrets to avoiding that common cold. Be well.
Now you know the secrets to avoiding that common cold. Be well.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Too much info?
Is too much information a good thing? I just read an article that was a bit of a spoof on healthy eating, but in this tongue-in-cheek article, there was some truth. (http://www.nwedible.com/2012/08/tragedy-healthy-eater.html) We tend to worry too much about everything. Education is a good thing. There is a lot out there to be wary of. However, I would like to stress that you do what you can, what you have control over, then don't worry about the rest.
If something makes you feel ill, stop doing it. Get in touch with your body and listen to what it is telling you. We are usually addicted to those foods we actually have an intolerance to. Sugar in the right form is actually good for you. Gluten can be beneficial to many. Oils are necessary. Meat even has it's place (did the vegetarian just say that?).
You don't have to live like a caveman or deprive yourself of everything. Find that lifestyle that works for you. Use your brain to control your stomach. Yes, you can control how you feel. You have to decide how far you are willing to go with it. How good do you want to feel. Educate yourself, but don't go crazy. There is a balance. Only you can find that balance for yourself. This from a person who is still struggling to find my own balance (curse that chocolate...)
If something makes you feel ill, stop doing it. Get in touch with your body and listen to what it is telling you. We are usually addicted to those foods we actually have an intolerance to. Sugar in the right form is actually good for you. Gluten can be beneficial to many. Oils are necessary. Meat even has it's place (did the vegetarian just say that?).
You don't have to live like a caveman or deprive yourself of everything. Find that lifestyle that works for you. Use your brain to control your stomach. Yes, you can control how you feel. You have to decide how far you are willing to go with it. How good do you want to feel. Educate yourself, but don't go crazy. There is a balance. Only you can find that balance for yourself. This from a person who is still struggling to find my own balance (curse that chocolate...)
Friday, June 21, 2013
Healthy Chocolate Cake with Frosting
In case you haven't noticed, I am a chocoholic. I crave chocolate! So now I am on a quest to find healthier versions for my addition. This Black Bean Chocolate cake is a pretty good substitute for me. It needs an open mind, it will never replace your grandma's German Chocolate Cake. However, if you have given up your favorites because you can't find a healthy alternative, you might want to try this one. I have recently found a chocolate frosting from Full Plate Living (www.fullplateliving.org) to complement it.
Healthy Flourless Chocolate Cake with Black Beans
3/4 cup coconut oil
1 cup honey
3 cups cooked black beans
10 organic eggs
2 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (or cacao powder for a really healthy option)
2 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Mint Chocolate variation:
4 teaspoons mint extract (in place of 2 teaspoons vanilla)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray two 9" cake pans with extra virgin olive oil cooking spray, or just grease it with a thin layer of butter. (I used a springform pan with parchment paper in the bottom and didn’t bother with the grease).
In Mixer beat coconut oil with honey until light and fluffy. Add four eggs, beating for a minute after each addition.
Drain and rinse beans in a strainer or colander. Shake off excess water. Place beans, 6 of the eggs, vanilla, stevia and salt into blender. Blend on high until beans are completely liquefied. No lumps! Pour bean batter into oil and honey mixture and mix well. Whisk together cocoa powder, baking soda, and baking powder. Finally, stir in cocoa powder mix and beat the batter on high for one minute, until smooth. Scrape batter into pan and smooth the top. Grip pan firmly by the edges and rap it on the counter a few times to pop any air bubbles.
Bake for 40-45 minutes. Cake is done with the top is rounded and firm to the touch. After 10 minutes, turn out cake from pan, and flip over again on to a cooling rack. Let cool until cake reaches room temperature, then cover in plastic wrap or with cake dome. For BEST flavor, let cake sit over night. I promise this cake will not have a hint of beaniness after letting it sit for eight hours! If you are stacking this cake, level the top with a long serrated knife, shaving off layers until it is flat and even. Frost immediately before serving. Yummmmm.......
Chocolate Frosting or Fruit Dip
▪ 1 can cannellini beans – drained and rinsed
- 3 Tablespoons cocoa powder
- ½ cup coconut milk fat (solid out of coconut milk can)
- 2 Tablespoons coconut milk liquid (liquid on bottom of coconut milk can)
- 3 Tablespoons pure maple syrup
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Add all ingredients to the food processor and blend on high until smooth (about 1 minute). Pour into serving dish and place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to set up.
Serve with your favorite fruit: bananas, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, etc.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Healthy Drinks
As you head into the hot summer months keeping your kids hydrated is always a challenge. There are so many liquids out there that have nothing to do with rehydration or nutrition. Water is always your healthiest choice, however, many kids (and adults) don't like drinking plain water so here is an easy solution:
Homemade "Gatorade"! You can make your own healthy electrolyte drinks to keep your kids hydrated.
Remember when Gatorade was made with just lemon or lime juice, salt, sugar and water? There were no chemicals or artificial sweetners added "back in the day".
To about a quart of water add a pinch of colored salt* (if you can taste the salt you probably added too much), juice of 1/2 lime, drop of stevia if sweetness is needed. This will alkaline the body with the lime juice and help balance the electrolytes with the colored salts.
Great for replacing electrolytes when a kid/adult is getting lots of exercise.
*Colored salts are unprocessed salts like pink Himalayan salt, gray Celtic salt, black or red Hawaiian salt. It looks expensive, but one bag with a pinch a day will last a long time. There are a lot of essential minerals in these salts.
Kids tend to do what their parents are doing.....if Mom and Dad are drinking lots of water, the kids will probably follow their example. Drinking a large glass of water with a pinch of salt first thing in the morning will kick start the rehydration process. It will stimulate the appetite as well so they will be more willing to eat a healthy breakfast (another good start for the day!)
A good guideline: Take your weight, cut in half, that is a minimum of how many ounces of water you need each day to stay healthy.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
More on Beets
Since beets are such a nutritional asset to my diet, I am trying to give them a second chance. I have to admit, I have never been a fan of beets in any form. I'm afraid I have neglected to give my family beets because of this bias.
I ordered a wrap from a raw food restaurant. It came with raw beets! There were so many vegetables and tofu in it that I couldn't even taste the beets! The beets were in julianne slices. An easy addition to many foods. I will be trying that again. You can add beets to many foods for color and slight flavor.
Here is a recipe that looks and tastes great. It has lots of fiber too.
Beet Dip
3 medium beets – scrubbed with greens cut off
Juice of one lemon
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1 can small white beans – drained and rinsed
1/2 cup toasted walnuts (cashews or pine nuts would make good substitutes)
1 clove garlic
Dippers (I love carrot sticks, but it is even better with pita chips)
I ordered a wrap from a raw food restaurant. It came with raw beets! There were so many vegetables and tofu in it that I couldn't even taste the beets! The beets were in julianne slices. An easy addition to many foods. I will be trying that again. You can add beets to many foods for color and slight flavor.
Here is a recipe that looks and tastes great. It has lots of fiber too.
Beet Dip

3 medium beets – scrubbed with greens cut off
Juice of one lemon
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1 can small white beans – drained and rinsed
1/2 cup toasted walnuts (cashews or pine nuts would make good substitutes)
1 clove garlic
Dippers (I love carrot sticks, but it is even better with pita chips)
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Wrap beets in foil after drizzling with enough olive oil to just coat them.
3. Roast beets for 1 hour or until soft.
4. Allow beets to cool and then peel them (they WILL stain your fingers, countertop, and clothing. Wear gloves if possible and be sure to clean up right away).
5. In a food processor, combine all ingredients and grind until smooth.
6. Serve with assorted dippers. Veggies, pita chips, or tortilla chips work great!
2. Wrap beets in foil after drizzling with enough olive oil to just coat them.
3. Roast beets for 1 hour or until soft.
4. Allow beets to cool and then peel them (they WILL stain your fingers, countertop, and clothing. Wear gloves if possible and be sure to clean up right away).
5. In a food processor, combine all ingredients and grind until smooth.
6. Serve with assorted dippers. Veggies, pita chips, or tortilla chips work great!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Reasons to add Beets to your diet:
A recent study at London’s Queen Mary University found that one glass of beet juice daily was more effective at lowering high blood pressure than medication. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should stop taking medication if you have high blood pressure. But, it does mean that adding a cup of beet juice and more beets to your diet could be helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, angina and heart disease.
Naturally-occurring nitrates have been shown to widen blood vessels and allow more oxygen-rich blood to travel to the heart.
Raw beets or raw beet juice contain betaine, a natural anti-inflammatory that helps protect against aging and disease.
The phytonutrient, proanthocyanidin, that gives beets their rich purplish color is also a potent anti-cancer compound.
Beets are high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
Beets are high in the B-complex vitamin folate which when consumed by pregnant women have been shown in many studies to reduce the risk of birth defects in the baby.
Beets are also high in the minerals manganese and potassium. Manganese is required for healthy bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Potassium helps ensure healthy nerve and muscle function.
Now I am not a beet fan. It is a bit too earthy even for my taste. However, with all these benefits I may have to try to disguise it in my juice! Warning: your urine will be red and it is a good thing. ;) What beet recipes do you enjoy? Really, I need help here
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Healthier Beverage Options
We are constantly pounded with advertisers messages every day brainwashing us to use their beverages. Coke, coffee chains, energy drinks, alcohol, soft drinks, ice teas. All of these drinks are high in sugar and/or caffeine or other bad things. They give us an immediate lift or high as they taste fantastic and we feel great. However we get addicted to them. Short term we get energy swings and feel less than 100%. And long term they cause disease as they inhibit our body to perform vital functions.
I will not go into all of the bad things about caffeine here except to say that anything that takes 3-5 days to detox from would be called an addiction. Have you ever had a caffeine headache? Also diet drinks are usually worse than their sugary counterparts as they contain very nasty chemicals.
Water is the best beverage to drink and, as you already know, you need 8 glasses per day (or 2 litres). It hydrates us and allows the body to perform important cleansing functions.
But lets get real. Beverages are an important part of our society and it is difficult and perhaps unnecessary to have water 100% of the time. Here are some alternatives to choose from when you are tempted.
1. Sparkling mineral waters can be refreshing especially with some lemon, ice and/or mint. Watch out for the commercially flavored ones as most have plenty of sugar added. Be creative and make your own. Try adding a little (very little) Stevia for sweetness.
2. Choose a fruit juice over a sugary soft drink. While they still contain sugars they are generally from a natural source (as long as sugar has not been added).
3. Try sparkling grape juices for celebrations. These are mostly grape juice and carbonated water and usually do not have added sugar.
4. Have an herbal tea instead of a caffenated black tea.
5. Instead of a flat white order a soy chai latte (my personal fav).
6. If you like hot drinks there are many alternatives around (caro, inka, lemon, ginger, dandelion tea) at the supermarket to try. They are never going to match coffee but could be a way of transitioning to healthier drinks.
7. Make a fresh fruit smoothie or a freshly squeezed juice.
Give some a try. Realize that if you are hooked on the bad things it can take a couple of weeks for your tastebuds to adjust - but they will. Give it a chance and enjoy your newfound vitality and energy with healthier habits!
This is a new favorite drink of mine. It has a subtle flavor, is refreshing, quick to make and without any sugar!
• juice of 1 lime
• mint leaves
• 6 large cubes of ice
• sliced lemon and lime for garnish
• soda water or sparkling mineral water
1. Squeeze juice into a glass and add mint and ice and garnishes.
2. Pour the sparkling water into the glass.
You can also use lemons, oranges or grapefruits.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Red Meat, Gut Bacteria and Heart Disease
I just read an article on "Red Meat, Gut Bacteria and Heart Disease". Not good news for red meat lovers. I know that for every study done there is another study to counter it. But some of this stuff is just good old common sense.
The article states that if you eat red meat your chances of cardiovascular disease are much greater. Beyond the obvious high saturated fat levels in red meat, micro organisms are deposited into the gut that greatly increase the risk of all disease.
The good news is that plant foods contain beneficial microbes that produce vitamins and protect us against the bad microbes from the meat and promote healthy immune function. What we eat determines which species of bacteria thrive in our digestive tract. Healthful, fiber-rich plant foods provide an energy source (prebiotics) for beneficial bacteria to grow.
We get to chose which bacteria are growing in our guts.....it starts with what you are putting in your mouth.
It is an interesting article that goes into much more detail: http://www.diseaseproof.com/archives/cardiovascular-disease-red-meat-gut-bacteria-and-heart-disease.html
Friday, May 10, 2013
Is "Organic" really important?
Organic - to buy or not to buy? "It is expensive." "How do I know it is really organic?" "Does it really matter if it is Organic?"
Organic gardeners grow their produce without use of pesticides. They enrich the soil with nutrients that are lacking in conventional farming. Is it 100% pure? Probably not. Is the organic food better for my body? Probably. Certified Organic means that there is 5% or less pesticides in the food. That allows for the overspray from conventional farmers. It is tough being "organic" in our toxic world.
When you go to your local Farmer's Market everyone now is saying they are "Organic". If it is truly organic they will have a certification. The farmer works hard to get that certification so they will proudly display it. If they "can't find it", then they probably don't have one and they most likely don't know where the food was grown. It may cost a little more for the certified organic produce, but considering those pesticides accumulate in your body and cause you harm, I'd say you are worth it.
To help you decide which produce is the most important to spend those extra organic dollars on, here is a list of foods high in pesticides:
Apples, Celery, Sweet bell peppers, Peaches, Strawberries, Nectarines (imported), Grapes, Spinach, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Blueberries (domestic), Potatoes.
Here is where you can save your money. These foods are lower in pesticides and safer to buy without the organic certification:
Onions, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Avocado, Cabbage, Sweet peas, Asparagus, Mangoes, Eggplant, Kiwi, Cantaloupe (domestic), Sweet Potatoes, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Mushrooms.
If you know a local farmer that grows his own produce and doesn't use pesticides (or very little) and you can get it fresh and vine ripened......you have a treasure indeed! Buying local and fresh is always your best option - even without organic certification. "Organic" from China (or any foreign country) may not be organic and it certainly is not fresh.
So to buy organic or not - you do the best you can with what you have. You get the toxins out where you can, including processed foods and junk food. You do what you can do and don't worry about the rest. Anxiety is also harmful to the body!
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