Thursday, August 16, 2012


Restful Sleep with Growth Hormones

When we sleep our bodies are repairing all the damage done during the day. Everything we do causes oxidative stress in the body - even breathing. But God has put into place a repair system - sleep. As we sleep a growth hormone comes out and does repair. It can only come out if we are in a deep sleep. The best hours for this are between 9 pm and 2 am, and the best hours of that time are before midnight. (Grandma and Grandpa had it right when they went to bed and got up with the sun!) 

If insulin is present in the body, this growth hormone will not be able to work. Insulin is produced whenever we eat in order to digest our food. It is best to eat early enough for your body to digest the food before you lie down to sleep (about 3 hours). If insulin is there, growth hormones cannot repair. So when you have that late night snack, you are sabotaging yourself and robbing your body of needed repair. Have you ever gotten up in the morning exhausted? Maybe your body worked all night digesting food and not doing the needed repair that it was designed to do. 

OK guys: Growth Hormone is your body mechanic that is on call every night. He will repair the damage you did all day - eating, exercising, breathing. When you wake up he has detailed your “car” so perfectly it will run well all day! For the ladies: Growth Hormone is like going to bed with a dirty house and the cleaning lady comes and cleans and you wake to a spotless house every morning!

This one habit of NOT eating before bedtime and getting to bed at an earlier hour may make the difference between getting diabetes or not. God gives us the tools, we just have to use them.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Tower Garden

I recently had a booth at our church "Campmeeting" at Soquel, CA in Santa Cruz county. A beautiful place to "work". My booth was for the Juice Plus Tower Garden. It was well received! Everyone likes to grow stuff....and when you can grow without dirt or weeds.....well, who wouldn't?

My friend, Sue, and I were able to talk to so many people about the Garden and healthy eating in general. It was a very fulfilling week.

I've been growing my Juice Plus Tower Garden since March. It is so much fun to watch it grow because it happens so fast. The Tower Garden I had at campmeeting belongs to my sister, Vicki. She has it home now growing  nicely. Her Tower is producing squash.

If you would like to learn more about growing your own fruits and vegetables, check it out at: