Thursday, March 31, 2016


I’ll bet you think I’m going to tell you not to indulge, or to eat carob "chocolates" instead (carob is a healthy chocolate substitute that hails from the pea family).

Nope! I love chocolate, and I recommend it because it has great health benefits.

Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree. Cacao is the powdery substance that results when cacao beans are dried, and it’s loaded with antioxidants that protect against heart disease and cancer. Studies show compounds in chocolate can boost good cholesterol, lower blood pressure and help prevent blood clots. And theobromine, another chocolate ingredient, improves blood flow to the heart.

The rule is, the darker the chocolate, the higher the percent of cacao it contains, making it the healthiest kind of chocolate. Limit yourself to a piece or two of dark chocolate, the healthiest kind.

Try to choose bars that contain 65%-85% cacao. Milk chocolate contains fewer, if any, of these powerful antioxidants. And white chocolate? Forget about it – it doesn’t even rank!

Avoid candy bars merely coated with chocolate and jam-packed with sugar, artificial flavors and partially hydrogenated oils. And steer clear of truffles stuffed with maple, raspberry and vanilla “cream.” Those are usually sugar-laden calorie bombs.

It may be a little more costly, but splurge on a small box or bar of high-quality dark chocolate. So choose wisely, and enjoy your chocolate!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Foods to protect against EMF exposure

Cell phone radiation is very real and so are its effects on your body. As useful as a cell phone can be, they pose quite a threat by exposing the body to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields which in turn can reduce the nutritional value of food and increase toxicity. While the most effective solution is avoidance, you can also combat the side effects of cell phone radiation by knowing what’s right to eat. 

1. Kale
It is packing in Vitamin C which is a great source of antioxidants, crucial in protecting the watery layer of your cells. Kale is also rich in caffeic acid, a component that can effectively work against radiation and protect the lymphocytes. 

2. Cod Liver Oil
Researchers have documented that vitamin D3 protects the nervous system besides promoting calcium absorption. Cod liver oil has lots of D3 while carrying a healthy ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 helps repair fatty cell membranes while Omega-6 promotes inflammation in the body, so a healthy ratio is very important.

3. Turmeric
This golden-yellow spice is packed with curcumin which a great antioxidant and has anti-cancer properties. Primarily, turmeric behaves as a DNA mechanic, repairing them so your body functions better. It also promotes the binding of iron to your blood cells. The golden rule when ingesting turmeric with your food is to add a dash of black pepper for increased absorption and effectiveness!

 I know this goes against what I was taught as a kid ("black pepper is bad for you"), but turns out, not so much.....
4. Almonds
A small handful of these a day can go a long way for your body. Almonds are packing in vitamin E which protects nerve membranes and slows down the oxidizing of cells’ fat membranes. Almonds are also rich in antioxidants and they’re great for balancing out an acidic body environment as they are one of the few alkaline nuts out there. 

Moderation is key here.....a handful, not the whole bowl.
5. Asparagus
Cell phone radiation is known to reduce the amounts of glutathione in your body.  (Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants) Asparagus packs in glutathione AND selenium, both which are antioxidants capable of repairing DNA, dispelling useless molecules and removing heavy metal from the body.

6. Kelp
For a combo pack of minerals, kelp (the green kind) is the go-to food. They are also an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that needs to be balanced out with calcium at a ratio of 1:2 for better calcium absorption. Eat sparingly as you don’t want to overload your body with too many minerals.

7. Garlic
Garlic is laden with sulfur and this component promotes detoxification in the body as well as a conversion of vitamins and proteins. Garlic can also cut off mercury from seafood and fish when cooked together. Cook it in some olive oil to enhance absorption.

8. Artichokes
While artichokes are rich in vitamin C and magnesium, it’s made it to the list for carrying silymarin. This substance is known for increasing the levels of glutathione in your body and the more glutathione you have, the less toxic your body will be.

9. Whole grains
Unrefined and unfortified whole grains are a healthier source of carbs, but they are also high in vitamin B-complex which is crucial in nerve repair. Brown rice and millet are all great sources of vitamin B and folic acid.


As I am getting ready to hop on a plane for 15+ hours I am trying to protect myself from EMFs. What is an EMF Radiation? Electromagnetic Field Radiation. Do I understand it? NO. Do I believe it exists? YES. "EMFR is created by an accumulation of electrical charge. It permeates the world we live in but is invisible to the human eye. EMFR can be naturally occurring and is part of the Earth’s Magnetic Field that orients a navigational compass. EMFR is also generated by natural phenomena such as thunderstorms." In addition to these natural sources, EMFR is emitted by artificial devices. Examples of human EMFR sources include:
      Television antennas
      Mobile phone base stations
      Cordless and mobile cell phones

If you sleep with a cell phone or computer near your bed, it can disrupt your sleep, impair your memory and cognitive functions. These EMFRs have even been linked to infertility and Alzheimer's. The more time we spend on our cell phones and on our computers, the more exposure you get.

So what do we do to protect ourselves? Limiting your use of cell phones and computers is not always possible. There are devices you can use to block these radioactive waves from your person. You can put "energy blockers" on your electronics.

You can also eat more antioxidants in your food (oh you knew I was going to throw that in there!). To prepare for my trip on this radioactive tube called a plane, I am upping my intake of antioxidant foods and supplements (Juice Plus+ for me). I am taking extra on board as I fly. I am increasing my magnesium and phosphates. I am drinking bottles of water (yes, my seatmate might not like that I have to make many trips to the toilet, but I am going to flush out toxins!). I have ordered vegan meals to make sure I get the best food available while in flight.

This is something you will need to research for yourself. The precautions I take, I feel, have made a difference in my travel. I make this trip often enough to know that it does help.

Well, I hear they are calling my flight number after a 4 hour delay in departure......better to know about problems before you take off for a 15 hour flight than while in the air. I hope to see all of you while I am "home." G'Day Mate! Gale