Monday, May 25, 2015


butter lettuceLettuce has been called ‘the perfect weight loss food’ and ‘rabbit food’ but it is so much more. It has amazing healing benefits and 20% protein by calories. Choose romaine lettuce if you can instead of iceberg.  Romaine has one of the highest nutritional values in the lettuce category.  Most people are more familiar with iceberg lettuce, which has the lowest nutrition.  Comparing these two, romaine has…..less sugars and sodium, twice the protein, twice the calcium, three times the Vitamin K, four times the iron, eight times the Vitamin C, seventeen times the Vitamin A.All lettuce has a low calorie content and almost no fat, only 12 calories for 1 shredded cup. It is high in fiber and celluulose. This fiber also helps remove bile salts from the body. When the body replaces these salts it breaks down cholesterol to do so. This is why lettuce is also good for your heart! Lettuce’s vitamin C and beta-carotene work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. This prevents the build up of plaque.The white fluid that you see when you break or cut lettuce leaves is called lactucarium. This has relaxing and sleep inducing properties similar to opium but without the strong side effects. Simply eat a few leaves or drink some lettuce juice and you will sleep like a baby. The minerals in lettuce help to remove toxins and keep your acid/alkaline balance in order. Once you are balanced on this level there are a host of benefits including greater energy, clearer thinking, deep, restful sleep, and youthful skin. Lettuce has an average glycemic index of 15 but because it has so few calories its glycemic load is considered zero. For anyone watching their blood sugars for medical reasons this is great.  Low glycemic index also is great for weight management.

Types of Lettuce:

1. Romaine – This is your classic Greek salad. Sweet and crunchy.

2. Crisphead – Iceberg.  White on the inside.  Crisp texture and mild taste.

3. Butterhead – Boston and Bibb. Large green leaves that are soft and sweet.

4.  Red and Green Leaf:  delicate taste and leaves.Take your pick and enjoy lettuce every day!Lettuce Cautions: Unless you buy organic, lettuce can contain a lot of toxins and pesticides. This is because it has a high surface to weight ratio. Bugs and microorganisms love those tender lettuce leaves just as much as you. Therefore, lettuce in on the list of “dirty dozen” – those foods you SHOULD buy organic. Luckily, organic lettuce is getting more and more available. Lettuce is also easy to grow, so try growing your own — pesticide free! (hint: Juice Plus Tower Garden makes it easy.)

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