Monday, August 25, 2014

Never too old to start......

Yesterday I was encouraging my mom to purchase raw sugar instead of processed white sugar. She asked the question: "Does it really make that much difference at my age?" Good question. I had to think about that. If you have made it to 80, do you really need to follow ALL those "rules" of healthy eating? Or have you earned a "pass"? Lets look at this: If what you are eating makes you feel bad, then it has diminished the quality of your life - at any age. Healthy living is important at all ages. Being able to enjoy good health into your 80s and 90s is a gift you have given yourself with a healthy lifestyle. Changing the little things like sugar will make a difference in how you feel and increase the quality of your life now. So Mom, yes, it does make a difference!  If there is something unhealthy that you enjoy, and the enjoyment outweighs the ill effects, than by all means ENJOY! (once in a while)

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