Monday, July 16, 2018

Sugar Again!

The subject of Sugar has been beaten to death, but yet most of us are still addicted to it in one form or another. We all know it isn't good for us, but yet......My own personal addiction is in the form of CHOCOLATE. As we go into the holiday season, chocolate is everywhere. It is good to have a 'defensive plan' in place before it hits. My own way of dealing with it is to have healthier choices available so I don't feel deprived by not indulging in the sugar out there. It is just like any healthy eating options, you have to plan ahead and make a commitment to do it. The only bad part about making your own chocolate bars is that they have no preservatives or chemicals in them so they melt at room temperature. If you take them out of the refrigerator, you have to eat them all (oh darn!)

Here is a recipe that I just tried and loved. Down here they call it a Chocolate Slice, in America it would be called a Chocolate Bark. It is made with raw honey or a natural syrup (as unprocessed as possible). The original recipe is from Luke Hines (

Healthy Chocolate Bark

1 cup coconut oil
1 cup almond butter
1/2 cup Raw Cacao
1 tablespoon Maca Powder
1/2 cup honey, maple syrup, rice syrup or date syrup (or combination of them)

In saucepan on low heat, just until melted, coconut oil and nut butter, add and stir sweetner of choice, cacao and maca powder. Pour onto tray lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with whatever your favorites are, i.e.: almonds, coconut, blueberries. Place in fridge or freezer until set, about 15 minutes. Cut into small cubes for a healthy treat. Keep refrigerated or frozen as it will melt at room temperature.

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